
Pamela Rae Schuffert #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot americanholocaustcoming.blogspot.com

-From Revelation 20:4
As one continues to read this particular verse, Revelation 20:4, it becomes clear that it is referring specifically to those Christians to be beheaded under the an antichrist satanic world globalist government of Revelation 13, who will refuse the cashless 666 society and refuse worship of the false "god" of the NWO which is in reality LUCIFER, as former satanists admitted to me.
I can never forget praying with another Christian prayer warrior one night when the divine Holy Spirit spoke to us clearly and said, "I am pouring out MY SPIRIT upon my people in America now, because without His power, you will not be able to make it with what is coming to your nation!"
This was in 1976. Stunned, I asked, "Father God. What is coming to our nation?" He replied, " My child, if I were to show you now what is coming to your nation,you would NOT BE ABLE TO BEAR IT." Shock and silence as I pondered those heavy words.
And the next day, my prayer partner exclaimed, "you won’t BELIEVE what God showed me after we asked Him to show us what is coming! He gave me a VISION of Christians arrested and lined up in front of modern guillotines, to be BEHEADED FOR THEIR FAITH!"
I am ashamed now to admit I laughed within when I first heard this. Because now, many years later, I know through several decades of in-depth research that THE MODERN MILITARY GUILLOTINES ARE A GRIM REALITY OF THINGS TO COME.
Both intelligence and military sources have admitted to me during numerous interviews that highly covert training programs for select Army platoons have been taking place in US Army bases such as Fort Lewis, Fort Benning, Fort Hood. Fort Bragg and others.
I personally interviewed Staff Sergeant Donnie Boysel of Fort Lewis, Washington, while he was in full uniform and traveling home on leave. Previously warned by another military source stationed at Fort Lewis, that there was a covert guillotine training program going on there, I confronted Boysel that day.
He almost fell on the floor with shock when I mentioned this!
"How do you know about the guillotines at Fort Lewis? This is highly classified information! In fact, when I return from leave, my job will be to train the men in my platoon (64) in how to operate them, using practice dummies.The building is partly underground and we can't even bring cell phones inside because they don't want photos taken of the guillotines..."
I asked him if he was a Christian and he replied yes.I then informed him that the guillotines would be heavily used under martial when they begin to arrest Christians under martial law as " NWO resisters."
I said, "Donnie, they will drag these Christians before the guillotines and demand they RENOUNCE THEIR FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST and join the NWO...or be BEHEADED FOR THEIR FAITH. Now can you train your men to behead people...?"
He was silent as he thought about the implications of what I shared. He looked at me and said,"My superiors never told me they would be used like this! No...I can never train my men to do this now! I will tell them...we are not going along with this martial law agenda....I am calling my men immediately..."
We parted soon after this discussion of several hours.You can read my full interview with him in my 2009 reports on my website, AmericanHolocaustComing.blogspot.com. And of course a highly censored/controlled mainstream news media will never tell the American people the disturbing truth about this dark secret and hidden agenda.
I have written much more besides on my website about these interviews.Truck drivers I have personally interviewed across America have admitted to me that they have hauled loads of these mysterious modern guillotines to military bases across the USA...BUT they were never told what their dark clandestine purposes were.
But various former insider sources admitted to me they were a part of the future NWO/martial law agenda for America. They would be used to behead future "resisters of the NWO," with Christians heavily targeted.
In Holy Scriptures, we read one one woman of faith in God, Esther, who was to discover that there was a terrible plan to annihilate her Jewish people by a wicked adversary Haman, even as her uncle Mordechai, warned her.
Grieved and concerned for her people, she sought for a way to save them...ultimately marrying the King and then risking her very life by pleading with the King to SPARE HER BELOVED PEOPLE from genocide that Haman's evil law would create against the Jews.
Esther's tactics were successful, the king was angered over what Haman had plotted, and this whole plan of genocide against her beloved Jews was averted. Her people were rescued from certain death by her efforts.
Through my 25 years of in-depth research, I too have been compelled into a similar position, loving and caring deeply about my fellow Christians after being repeatedly warned of the NWO agenda to persecute to the point of genocide of the Christian's under martial law, frankly admitted to me in person by more than one former NWO planner and insider.
Crushed by what they told me awaited my beloved fellow Christian's under martial law ("...brutal rape,torture and death..." according to one intelligence source), I fasted and prayed, asking God what I could do to help save them and to wake them up to this horrific and heinous threat to their very existence.
My 25 years of relentless journalism to uncover the truth about this dark agenda of a very real, Biblically-prophesied NEW WORLD ORDER and it's ominous implications for my fellow Christians, all came forth following my prayers for God to show me what to do to warn my people.
No one has paid me to perform this journalism, and in fact it has cost me everything...and will someday ultimately cost my life for daring to expose the truth.
But even as Queen Esther, or Hadassah, I have also said in my grieved heart, "if I perish I perish..." but I must do whatever I can to warm and wake up my beloved people across America!
Body of Christ, God has sent faithful witnesses and "watchmen on the wall" like myself and others besides, to warn you of dangers to come.
What are you doing to prepare your hearts for future persecution and coming temptation to "DENY JESUS...OR DIE?"
The very salvation of your eternal soul depends upon your obedience to Jesus, "Be thou FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH,and I will give you the crown of life..." Jesus has warned us that IF we DENY HIM BEFORE MEN, He too will DENY US.
This means NO SALVATION, and eternity in eternal torments and everlasting destruction...for without Jesus you have NO SALVATION.
Remember this when martial law is declared and the persecution of Christians begins in earnest across America...and the guillotines of Revelation 20:4 are brought forth to fulfill End Time Bible prophecy at last...and the NWO advocates drag you before these guillotines and demand that you deny your precious Savior,or die...or you are thrown into prisoner boxcars with shackles to be hauled off to grim FEMA camps for elimination. Many of these prisoner boxcars also have the modern guillotines installed in them as well, according to eye witnesses I have interviewed.
Please, join with the saints and martyrs of Christ through the ages who have gone before you, and choose to confess Jesus faithfully unto the end.
They are among the great cloud of witnesses, watching from Heaven's ramparts with God Himself to see who will gain the glorious crown of LIFE and remain FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH!
Your sufferings in this world are but FOR A MOMENT..but eternity in Heaven is forever..and so is HELL.
Choose wisely your path, Beloved fellow saints and martyrs of Jesus, the Messiah! For you WIN or LOSE by the WAY YOU CHOOSE...

Pamela Rae Shuffert #conspiracy americanholocaustcoming.blogspot.com

(On the recent "Polar Vortex" that swept North America)

There once was a time, long ago, when all such weather abnormalities could be regarded as "as act of God" and without human interference or origin. However, those days are gone forever.

Today's modern military technology has now made it possible to MANIPULATE THE WEATHER for their hidden agendas. This is now brazenly being done by the US and other military worldwide, without any regard for the value of human life or property.

Horrific tornadoes and deadly hurricanes are spawned through advanced military technology and equipment, that cost untold billions of dollars worth of damage and untold deaths and suffering wherever they occur.

Deadly coldfronts and snowstorms and major rains with flooding can also be created and facilitated through the military's PROJECT HAARP and related equipment.

Why? Hidden agendas of the elite are major reasons why disasters are artificially created by this means. Weather is also being used as a weapon by the military. You can defeat your enemy if you create torrential rainstorms accompanied with destructive flooding. Or if the military creates deadly drought bringing a famine with it.

There are many books and websites now addressing this timely subject.

However, the pertinent question must now be asked: WHO is holding the US military (and all others involved) ACCOUNTABLE for the devastation, loss of property and life that their reckless and wanton abuse of this technology has been creating for quite some time now???

Might does not make right, ever.

I have noted throughout my years of researching this subject, that no one is holding the military or the government force behind it's actions accountable. And this is outrageous.

I have also noted that there are many hidden political agendas behind each destructive act committed by the military and weather manipulation.

Now that we can know through modern technology that can measure HAARP output frequencies, that even this POLAR VORTEX cold blast has been manipulated by PROJECT HAARP and related weather modification techniques, the question must be asked: FOR WHAT PURPOSES AND HIDDEN AGENDAS?

To WEAKEN Americans in preparation for the NEXT "BIG ONE" or deliberate disaster staged to bring down martial law? Do they deliberately plan to release deadly flu viruses through CHEMTRAILS on the heels of this winter blast, conveniently blaming the resultant flu pandemic on the terrible weather?

Or will destructive adverse weather be used to destroy electrical power grids, etc.?

Pamela Rae Schuffert #fundie americanholocaustcoming.blogspot.com



Here are practical protective measures to take to protect yourself and your loved ones from satanist "hunters and huntresses" prowling the neighborhoods of America as they hunt for victims for human sacrifice for HALLOWEEN this year.

They traditionally begin 6 weeks in advance of Halloween, or Samhain.

-Do NOT go hiking alone in desolate or wilderness regions of America. Use the buddy system when camping or hiking in wilderness regions or isolated hiking trails. Take preventative measures: be armed if possible with a firearm (handgun) and bear spray. Try to obtain a satellite cell phone to maintain communications whenever possible.

Former satanists admitted to me they had trained abduction teams planted even in national forests and along well known hiking trails. "We got more victims that way, " one former satanist admitted.

-Do NOT allow your children to walk home in the dark unattended, or to play unattended in parks or playgrounds. Do NOT leave children unattended in malls or shopping locations. Do NOT leave infants in carriers or strollers unattended or unwatched even momentarily. WATCH YOUR CHILDREN!

-NEVER hitchhike! The people who pick you up could be SATANISTS looking for one more victim!

-Do NOT jog on lone country roads or isolated regions. All it takes is 30 seconds for a satanist abduction van to pull up alongside the victim, their trained abduction teams to jump out and seize the hiker/jogger/hitchhiker and drag the victim into the van, inject victim with a knockout drug, duct tape hands and feet and mouth and haul the hapless victim to the location of the ritual to be held.

-BEWARE of vans with blacked out windows on the sides and back, in which you cannot see beyond the driver and passenger seats. In the back may be their trained abduction team ready to seize their next victim. Beware of suspicious vans slowing driving down residential areas, especially in the dark and late at night, as if watching for people walking down the sidewalk.

Rental trucks and camper vehicles can also be used for such purposes as well.

-Satanist tactics and also include slipping knock out drugs into drinks or food at parties. And when targeted victim passes out, they then "assist the person home" and haul them away instead to the place to be held for human sacrifice.

Former satanists I have interviewed admitted to me that stalking victims for human sacrifice on Halloween (30, 31, and November 1) begins mid-September. This means six weeks of satanist prowlers and vans filled with abduction teams, stalking victims in earnest all across our nation.

Always remember that Jesus Christ was manifested to DESTROY the works of the devil. I encourage all Christian readers to enter into powerful spiritual warfare and tear down Satan's strategies for abduction and human sacrifice as this Halloween season and time of spiritual darkness nears.

Thank YOU for taking the time to lift up the Name of Jesus against this darkness, and to pray and to tear down the kingdom of Satan across this nation...and throughout the world as well!

Dave Hodges #conspiracy americanholocaustcoming.blogspot.com

It is becoming apparent that Christians, and American Christians, in particular, will soon become the most hunted people on the face of the earth. The coming persecution will make the Romans persecution of the Christians seem tame compared to what is coming. DHS policies and their subsequent actions have become an effective barometer from which to judge the direction of the tyrannical takeover of our government by the central bankers and what it will ultimately mean for Christians.

DHS is lining itself up against Christians. The Army is lining up against Christians. Obama has always been against Christians. As Supreme Commander of the military, Obama has encouraged/permitted the United States military to participate in the persecution of Christians.

A recent Army briefing, given by Lt. Col. Jack Rich, to a reserve unit in Pennsylvania, identified several organizations and movements as extremist groups. First on the list of his slides presented in the briefing listed evangelical Christians and the list also included Catholics, Hamas, al-Qaeda, Nation of Islam and the Ku Klux Klan. Isn’t it comforting to realize that your government sees Catholic and evangelical Christians in the same light as Hamas, al-Qaeda and the Klan?

Lt. Col. Rich warned his subordinates to not back down from “bad Christian behavior” for “when they see behaviors which are inconsistent with Army values, don’t just walk by. Do the right thing before it becomes a problem.” What exactly constitutes “bad Christian behavior?” Is praying a bad Christian behavior?

Further, the warning has been given to flag Christians and put them on no buy lists for guns. Rich’s briefing dovetails with the same kind of anti-Christian rhetoric recently presented to Colorado law enforcement officials in La Junta, Colorado in which Christians were prominently displayed in as domestic terrorists if they take the Bible too literally. Of course Christians take the Bible literally, this is why Christians read and study the Bible. The word of God is not a comic book, it is the Bible. And as such, all Christians have just been declared to be enemies of the state. Below is a screen shot of a page out of Rich’s anti-Christian PowerPoint presentation. Please note the repeated references to various types of Christians. Interestingly, I did not see the official religion of the United Nations, GAIA, listed as a domestic terror group.


Coptic children are forcibly being taken from their families and forced to convert to Islam. Is this a foreshadowing of a future CPS field manual which will do the same here in America? Do you think this hyperbole? Then you must not be familiar with the new CPS manual which will be used to enforce “child welfare” under Obamacare. Under Obamacare, parents can lose custody of their children if their child gets a bad grade, is absent for more than 5 days in any 30 day period, if the parent has beer in the house or if the parent is a gun owner. Therefore, how far-fetched is it for American Christians to look at themselves as the next Coptic Christians and realize that the CPS could one day come for their children merely because they are Christians?

Humanity is locked in a spiritual war. Although it is true that we must meet the enemy at the gate if we are to survive and that entails some use of physical countermeasures. However, physical realm countermeasures can only delay the inevitable. Spiritual warfare demands spiritual solutions. Rather than repeat myself, I would refer the reader to previously identified spiritual strategies in two articles I recently authored, Harnessing Quantum Entanglement is Humanity’s Secret Weapon and Humanity’s Ultimate Weapon. The concepts are scientifically verifiable and simple enough to understand. And more importantly, they work!

After reading about the spiritual weapons that mankind has at its disposal, it should be obvious as to why Christians are being targeted and being attacked with such a vengeance.

The ultimate enemy of humanity is not al-Qaeda, the Russians, the central bankers and not even Obama himself. The ultimate enemy of humanity is Satan, the great destroyer and the aforementioned groups merely serve him. These forces of evil have conscripted vast resources in the march toward enslaving and depopulating humanity. They control the physical realm. Humanity cannot defeat these forces of evil on the physical battlefield.

Humanity is approaching its metaphorical Lexington and Concord. The central bankers are seeking to disarm humanity by eradicating the Christian threat to their agenda. You see, the dark side already knows what most of us don’t yet realize, Christians have the spiritual weapons to defeat those who are destroying humanity. It’s up to you, up to me and up to all of us, to invoke the use of these spiritual weapons.

Some articles write their own conclusion and this is one of those times—