
Judson Phillips #conspiracy communities.washingtontimes.com

Cops are bursting into homes, seizing computers and other “evidence” while groups are being hit with subpoenas that require them to turn over voluminous and sensitive information - including the names of political donors.

The crime of being conservative is being prosecuted with vengance.

In Wisconsin, special prosecutor Francis Schmitz is going after conservative groups that were involved in the fight over the recall of Governor Scott Walker and Walker’s union reforms. Subpoenas are requesting “all records of income received, including fundraising information and the identity of persons contributing to the corporation.” They are seeking lists of conservative donors.

This is political terrorism at work and the special prosecutor in this case is a political terrorist.

Obtaining donor lists for conservative organizations is a long time goal of left wing groups. The IRS, when it went after the Tea Party, wanted donor information, which they are legally precluded from having.

Does anyone believe that if these donor lists were turned over to a special prosecutor they would remain secret?

A great example of what the left is doing is California in 2008 and 2009. California passed Proposition 8, which defined marriage as a union between one man and one woman. The left went nuts.


Liberals obtained copies of the donor list for a number of groups that supported Proposition 8 and then went on a rampage. Donors where harassed. Several either lost their jobs or resigned because of the harassment.

Irate liberals harassed businesses.

There is a legal description of what they did. It is called intimidation; at one time the balliwick of thugs and mobs.

The goal of the left in Wisconsin has been to find out the names of donors who helped Scott Walker. Walker’s reforms crippled the left by drying up a cash cow from forced union dues.

The left never forgives nor forgets. They want payback and they are not beyond using the law, the government or terror to intimidate those who stand against them.

Conservatives need to stand up against this kind of tyranny. Every conservative group that is served with one of those subpoenas should publicly say they have, refuse to comply and take the Wisconsin special prosecutor to Court.

Vasko Kohlmayer #fundie communities.washingtontimes.com

If atheism is true then despair and frustration are our inescapable lot. But the most painful of all is the notion that life has no meaning. To a man who truly grasps the idea that his life is meaningless this realization cannot but become a source of unceasing torment. To a perceptive unbeliever his existence must appear as some cruel cosmic joke that is very hard to bear.

If one is a cheerful atheist, it is only because he has either not thought his worldview through or he deceives himself regarding the inevitable implications of it. When once grasped for what it really is, atheism is nearly impossible to endure. Suicide would, indeed, seem as the most reasonable and logical solution to the meaninglessness of human existence. That's why Tolstoy wanted to kill himself. He experienced that suicidal urge, because he was an atheist who could see clearly the bleak hopelessness of his position.

After a long and agonizing struggle, Tolstoy finally overcame his despondency by finding transcendence in God. If you, too, happen to be an atheist in despair over the absurdness of life take heart. Your predicament can be easily remedied, since deep down you know that atheism is untrue. Even though you may declare yourself to be an atheist, you certainly do not live like one, because to live consistently in accordance with your profession is simply impossible.

Somewhere in your heart you know that life is not meaningless and that it does matter how we live. You know that there is good and evil and that there is a world of difference between a Mother Theresa and an Adolf Hitler. You know that love excels hate. You know it is better to be a good person than to be a bad one. It is, in fact, very likely that you yourself try every day to be the best person you can be and that you rejoice in your moral progress and regret your failings.

This knowledge and these intuitions are common to all sane men and they show atheism for the lie that it is. Atheism is the product of a stubborn and rebellious heart that is at war with itself. Every day the atheist denies his worldview by his own actions and way of life.

Thankfully, there is a simple solution to this contradiction. You need to stop denying the obvious and start believing what you already know is true. You are God's creature and you bear his divine stamp all over your being. To become whole, you need to accept and acknowledge Him who is the source of all life, goodness and meaning.

David Yeagley #racist communities.washingtontimes.com

No one would expect a Nigerian to become Chief of the Cheyenne, or a Lithuanian to become Chief of the Apache. And no one would consider an Indian tribe racist for being exclusive, intolerant, or non-egalitarian. Nor do I expect the WASP to turn over America to aliens, foreigners, or non-white leadership. This is catastrophic, obviously. Even the classical Greeks knew multiculturalism doesn’t work. Aristotle said the foreign element would never feel equal to the blue-bloods, no matter what concessions given them, or status they achieved. They are forever a source is discontent, and actually inimical to a democracy.