
The Young Earth Creation Club #fundie creationists.org

Website title: Steve Irwin (The Crocodile Hunter)
was not a hero or a role model

Was his death an accident or a judgment from God?

This first issue I'd like to address here is why ask this question? There are two reasons. First, it should be acknowledged that in conservative Christian circles all around the world this question has probably come up many times already. Christians who are familiar with the Bible know that God can and will take this kind of action if he has a mind to do so. So it's a fair question from a Biblical perspective. Second, if this truly was a judgment from God, then it may have been done to make a point he wanted the rest of us to understand. That point could be a) there are limits to his patience, b) he's watching and keeping score, c) a reminder that he is not just a God of love and mercy, but also of wrath and judgment. Again, Christians are already considering that possibility, but the secular media seems oblivious to it. If you're not aware that it at least could have been a judgment from God, then you may completely miss the point(s) God was trying to make.

Only God knows with certainty the answer to that question. However, it is naive to dismiss the possibility that God may have directed his wrath against him just because of how "good" one thinks Mr. Irwin may have been. It also demonstrates a poor understanding of what God tells us about himself concerning his wrath and judgment. There are several reasons to at least consider the possibility that his "accidental" death may in fact have been a judgment from God.

1. Mr. Irwin engaged in what God tells us in scriptures that he considers to be an exceptionally wicked practice of causing Christians to stumble in their faith. He did this by his unrepentant promotion of evolutionism.
2. Because he had such a large worldwide audience and was so entertaining and likeable (and therefore very influential), common sense would suggest that he was probably a very large blip on God's radar screen.
3. God tells us in Romans 9 that he sometimes will put up with (what he refers to as "longsuffering") with those who are engaged in unrepentant wickedness so that at some point he can make an example of them by eventually directing his wrath against them.
4. Given the completely unexpected way Mr. Irwin was killed by a normally docile creature that has only killed 2 other people in Australia prior to this, it almost looks like God may have caught him off-guard the very same way he's going to catch millions of other non-Christians off-guard when he returns to the Earth in his glorious second coming. See if the way Mr. Irwin died doesn't bear some small resemblance to this prophecy in 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3 about the end-times, but on a much smaller scale.

The Young Earth Creation Club #fundie #pratt #homophobia creationists.org

Recent news media reports about homosexual activists trying to get funding cuts for the Boy Scouts highlight the need for parents to understand the link between homosexuality and the teaching of the religion of evolutionism in the public schools. It is vital that parents understand that evolutionism is really a religion masquerading as science. At its foundation, evolutionism is rooted in the religions of atheism and humanism. Both of these false religions directly challenge the authority of the Bible, and indirectly (often in subtle ways) encourage their believers to substitute the fallible ‘wisdom’ of men for the infallible true wisdom of our Creator.

As the priests of evolutionism labor diligently in our public schools to indoctrinate our children with their world view, one side-affect of their efforts is that they often succeed in convincing many of their students that the moral absolutes of the Bible (i.e. homosexuality is sinful) are not to be believed. How do they do this? By attacking the very foundation of the Bible, the book of Genesis. If they can convince their students through their bad science that Genesis is not a true account of our history, then they’ve succeeded in undermining the whole authority of the Bible. Not all evolutionists have this as a goal. But intentional or not, this is the often the net affect of the dogmatic teaching of evolutionism as fact in the public schools. Christians who fall for this deception typically end up on one of three paths in their lives:

1. They engage in highly creative interpretations of the Bible to try to make the Bible somehow ‘fit’ with the lies of evolutionism. This then sets a precedent for the twisting of other parts of the Bible, including its clear statements about homosexuality being sinful. Once Christians start traveling down this road, it often becomes a slippery slope that leads to all kinds of other gross misinterpretations of scriptures. Now, their “sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Ephesians 6;17) is now a dull sword. They may still be Christians, but they’re less effective (sometimes to a very great degree).
2. They abandon the moral absolutes of Bible all-together. This is becoming more and more a trend with young people who have been indoctrinated in evolutionism for many years in the public school system.
3. They initially are ‘believers’ in evolutionism, but later become concerned about what seems to be irreconcilable differences between the Bible’s account of Creation and Evolution. This concern causes them to investigate further by getting the opposing views to evolutionism. Those who do this with an open mind often discover the truth that God’s Word can be trusted (including the book of Genesis), and that evolutionism is indeed a false religion disguised as science. This then can lead to a proper understanding of how God intended homosexuality, among other issues, to be viewed. It can also completely eliminate the need to do creative Bible interpretation, because now the plain reading of scripture is readily understood to be the truth.