(But give KKK, neo NAZI, White nationalists power and they will be setting out to assimilate or enslave mongoloids. These people sometimes claim they respect other races by keeping them seperate but it's not the case. They want to maintain the status quo because they feel the pre "Zionist" status qou gives them the default win.)
The same thing can be said about any other non-Asian group. If radical Muslims got the power, they would force Sharia Law onto Asians. My view on white supremacists is the same as that on Islamic militants. They are only temporary allies in the struggle against Zionism which wants to genocide South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Singapore into pan-human mixed brown countries. Once Zionism is gone, they will obviously no longer be allies.
Zionists are currently threatening first world Asian countries with genocide. Why worry about the future threat of white supremacists when there is the current threat of Zionism? Focus on current issues then focus on future issues.
(They often claim AMerica and the like as for whites. If America is for whites then that scenario leaves Europe, Canada, Australia, AMerica, New Zealand....that is kind of an overwhelming advantage don't you think? Especially from a people that were limited to Europe. What do Mongoloids have for a coninent of their own except China?)
If you read my posts, you would know that I want Asians to establish a presence in the Pacific Northwest. I also think Asians should take back Siberia.
You do make a good point about how whites would have a huge advantage if everything went back to before Zionism. Whites would have a lot more land. I am well aware of this fact. It is why I sometimes have more respect for Turkic-Mongol nomads who took Central Asia than for China who refused their chance to expand. The Asian presence in the Pacific Northwest would be the new Asian society that the Ming Dynasty failed to establish.
(If they had their way things would be a lot worse for you than what the Zionists have done to help you assimilate.)
If it wasn't for the Zionists, I would have been born in Taiwan and be surrounded by other Asians. I wonder which is a better choice for me. Being raised in an Asian majority place while knowing how to speak an Asian language fluently or being raised in a non-Asian majority place?
When people ask me how I identify myself, I just say:
I am a Baikal-Austronesian Asian who knows how to speak English fluently. My brethren are other Baikal-Austronesians, Baikalians, and Austronesians who were raised in the West. We are racially different from non-Asians of the West and culturally different from Asians of Asia. All that can be done now is to organize the overseas Asians into one region.