Also, Mr. Asinine Gloryhole; These "Mighty Whiteys" are about as unified as Pink Floyd in 1980. There's tons of backstabbing & infighting.
Separate competing Klans...The Klan vs. NeoNazis...Christian Identity vs. Wodenists vs. Creativity folks...snooty "scientific racialists" vs. raging homicidal maniacs...talkers/preachers vs. curb-stompers...folks who hate anyone who isn't white vs. folks who'll make exceptions concerning East Asians.
It's not pretty...but all that infighting is still fun to watch.
Now I'm hungry for popcorn but don't have any. :(
And Trekkies are cool. They don't deserve curb-stomps. Heck, one can like drek like Twilight or Justin Bieber and I'm fine with that, provided that they don't act like idiots.
I'm cool with Star Trek (The Original & Next Generation/Voyager stuff. Not Deep Space Nine nor the reboots. It needs that idealistic "Roddenberry" touch) and I'm also cool with Star Wars (The Original good, real Star Wars, back when Lucas had talent. Prequels, novels, offshoots...never happened! Just a tree-part, idealistic, well-written, beloved space opera with Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie and those two lovable droids...).
And Star Trek is antithesis of "White Power" crap.