
mtucker5695 #fundie http

The results showed that in the end gays didn't want to marry, they just wanted the right to do so. I believe that people who choose the gay life-style make that choice in part because they see themselves as victims. Marriage is just the flag they are flying to validate their elected victim status. In the end gay males average over a 100 sexual partners in their life time and marriage is not conducive to hedonism. Gay women face more physical abuse and violence in their relationships than do straight couples. Even if gays get the right to marry, it won't make their relationships natural or gays any less anti-social.

Vertu #conspiracy http

The Reptilians told me, that the Greys are the worst ones among all fifteen alien species present on Earth. They are the only ones cooperating with humans (the US Gov't), and their aim is to keep lieing to the Gov't about the technology and in exchange they recieve food supplies, raw materials and abductees to kill... all this in a systemized manner so that the human community knows nothing about it... it is top secret.

Sorry to say, but the Greys are the worst ones, they are notorious liars..!!

Tonr H #fundie http

How come when viewing debates bewtween 2 intellectuals about the existence of God, some atheists call the theist "stupid" unintelligent, and insane. They say this about people such as, John Lennox (Professor with a triple doc at Oxford) Antony Flew (ex atheists who they used to praise) William Lane Craig (One of the best philisophers who has never lost a debate on God) Alister McGrath (Also professor at Oxford) Are they saying that they are smarter than a professor at Oxford? They say "oh i wish i could debate craig i would crush him" REALLY? cuz so far no other atheist, atheists that are highly intelligent, have beaten him