
Pia Orleane, Ph.D. #crackpot #ufo kindredspirit.co.uk

The missing piece that we have forgotten is the energy of the number thirteen, which represents our point of integration and connection to nature. The cosmic energy of each number is different. Let me give you a few examples. The energy of the number one is all about initiation and beginnings. The energy of the number five is about change. The energy of twelve is about understanding, and the energy of thirteen is about integrating what we have understood. (You can delve more deeply into understanding the energy of each number and each day through the Pleiadian-Earth Energy Calendar if you are interested.)

We have divided our lives into sections of twelve, having forgotten the power of thirteen that lives within us as a reminder that we are part of nature. The energy of thirteen is a key to remembering who we are and our place in the universe. It is a very real part of life. But we have forgotten the power of thirteen, as we follow an artificial system that has been engraved into our consciousness. We measure our time by twelve months in a year and twelve hours in a day. We look to the stars to understand ourselves, but we only see twelve astrological signs and twelve astrological houses. We even group our foods into dozens, such as a dozen eggs or a dozen biscuits. Everything that we rely upon to define our reality is based on artificial groupings of twelve.

Life, however, is not organized into neat parcels of twelve units. A couple of examples can make it clear that we are ignoring the actual reality around us – the moon cycles around the earth thirteen times in one of our artificially organized twelve-month years, and most women have thirteen bleeding cycles within a year. So why is everything in our lives based upon divisions of twelve, instead of thirteen? A long time ago when the world was more peaceful and harmonious, people paid attention to the number thirteen as a special number holding powerful energy. In fact, thirteen has been called lucky women’s number because in matriarchal societies, the power of thirteen was recognized as an important number that opened possibilities for change. Why? Because thirteen is an energy of integration. The energy of thirteen holds magic.
We have forgotten the power for change that exists within each of us when we use the energy of thirteen to stop, think, feel, and integrate our experiences before moving to the next moment. The power of thirteen is the place where people consider what has happened and cooperate together for change before moving forward. It was the Pleiadian group, Laarkmaa, who brought me the understanding of the number thirteen as a point of integration. The Pleiadians are trying to help humanity awaken and remember who we are, what we are capable of, and the power we hold to make magical changes by entering into the quiet space where all wisdom lives, integrating that wisdom into our choices. According to the Pleiadians, if we do not integrate our experiences, we cannot learn, nor can we evolve. Currently stuck in our loops of twelve, it seems that we, as a species, simply don’t learn.

Many of us know that we are collectively making a choice to either move into harmony and oneness or go more deeply into separation and suffering. The energy of thirteen is the place where we can find our power. I suggest each one of us step into the blissful stillness and listen every day, learning to integrate our experiences before making new and better choices. Consider this article a treasure map to help you regain your power and step into making your own magic.