
various commenters #fundie mommyunderground.com

(Comments on article "The Latest LGBT TV Show Is So Outrageous It Will Leave Your Head Spinning")

(Surjit Kaila)
Sent the basterds to Muslim countries so they can be thrown off the high builddings

(Robert Miller)
I'll second that motion!! Let's include the liberal Judges,liberal politicians and the other sick bastards who promote this life style!!

(Vangie Martinez)
Thats not an answer that is acceptable. We don't want to be a part of a Death Cult and it's own Agenda and Ulterior Motive to destroy People. No what they need is JESUS. But in a Worldly way of doing things hit them in their Pocket Book and Continue to Boycott the Station and the Companys that put Ads with these Stations and Shows.

(Sue Brooks)
I wouldn't let any kid anywhere near these type shows....they're the best way to warp young minds!

(Robert Miller)
That's what their objective is!!

(Katie Drew)
These things have to happen before the return of Jesus for His church, the Bible says so. Bring it on!

(Philomena Holian)
God save us all from SATAN'S EVIL.

(Angela Thompson)
Of course gender exists. This movement is idiotic.

(Cheryl Detar)
I do not watch any shows that push the LGBYXTUVWA agenda. A couple weeks ago, I watched a new show, 911, Initially, I was OK, with the 2 lesbian actors. It wasn't being flaunted. However, the other night, the 2 were in bed, passionately, "going at it." I immediately turned it off and will NEVER watch it again.

(Sharon Melvin)
I started watching the Good Doctor and when it presented a Transgender person, I stopped watching it. When something like this comes up use the power of the remote control. There are millions of conservatives out there. I will not watch the Oscars, Emmys or other shows for the same reason. I stopped watching NFL games because I do not like the disresect. We conservatives need to make our voice heard. It sure has hurt the NFL.

(Robert Withrow)
I am for any person to live their lives as they want, but use decorum, this gawdy debauchery of sexism about gender same sex marriage to a level that shows no restraint or integrity. Shockism is not how you bring others with opposing, or diffrent views to your support. The age of innocene has long gone. If only the LGBT as they call it, will walk with dignity, and talk respect for themselves ,and all others of different orientation. Yes I know I am going to be called ugly names. We all stand under one flag, one nation, and with that those freedoms we all enjoy everyday. Last thought, when you respect yourself, you then can respect others no matter the creed, the sex, or political affiliation. The word is RESPECT...

(Frank W Brown)
There are TWO, count em, TWO genders, EVERYTHING else is MENTAL ILLNESS that needs treatment in the worst way!

(Larry Draper)
All: Yet *another* article which simply recognizes the absolute
*insanity* of the LGBTQ viewpoints that *any* amount of surgeries or
hormones could *ever* delete the effects of the XX and XY chromosomes that
have been *evolving* in the human race for *millions* of years, and
*billions* of years for all gender-based life, or that reSocialisticization
could realistically replace societal norms such as *marriage* and *family*
after 7000 years or so of religious and law-making norms. //Larry Draper//

(Jay Yother)
Wonder if Mommy Activist knows they are advertising gay dating sites on her page??

(Beverly Charles)
You can bet Facebook put that ad in place deliberately!

Unknown writer & Elizabeth Johnston #homophobia #enbyphobia mommyunderground.com

The Latest LGBT TV Show Is So Outrageous It Will Leave Your Head Spinning

The LGBT community has hijacked the entertainment industry and filled the airwaves with their warped agenda.

From homosexual marriage, to “transgender” couples, it’s no wonder more and more Americans are saying “no thanks” to cable TV.

But this latest show introduces a character that takes it even further.

In fact, as this show reveals there’s no telling just how far the LGBT community will go to shock America and attempt to make their way of life “mainstream.”

Instead of introducing a transsexual, or another homosexual couple, Showtime decided to introduce its first gender “non-binary” character.

The LGBT community deems a “non-binary” person as one who doesn’t identify with either gender.

Determined to strip away any sense of decency, Showtime pushes the envelope and introduces this bizarre character to the world.

CBN reported:

“Dillon uses singular they pronouns and her role on the show is the first gender non-binary character on American television.

The move is seen as a huge step forward for LGBTQ inclusion and representation in pop culture.

But Elizabeth Johnston, also known as the ‘Activist Mommy’, says Showtime’s decision to cast a non-binary character is all part of the LGBTQ’s plan to normalize it.

“This is an LGBT agenda that is being pushed on our nation,” Johnston said in an interview with CBN News. “Truth and science and facts matter and just because someone says that two plus one equals five that doesn’t make it true.

There’s something called facts and truth and the truth of it is we are born xy or xx or we have a biological or psychological pathology and what we’re seeing with gender dysphoria is pathological and it is not normal and we’re being asked to embrace it as normal and celebrate it.”

Elizabeth Johnston nailed it.

Just because the LGBT community refuses to “see gender”, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

People with gender dysphoria need help, mental counseling, not exposure to the world to promote their way of life, which will further confuse those who already struggle.

The biggest lie of all is the LGBT community wants to “live a quiet life in peace.”

Nothing could be further from the truth.

As Mommy Underground previously reported, they have a record of sneaking their perverted agenda into shows that target children.

But while the LGBT community thinks they have power, they’re forgetting one thing – if people decide to boycott these shows and refuse to watch them, it will help stop the spread of their twisted agenda.

After all, networks are ultimately about ratings.

If conservatives can show network officials they will no longer pay nor subscribe to such filth, perhaps things can change.

And if not, parents must refuse to let their children watch these shows.

What are your thoughts on the new “non-binary” character?

How do you prevent your family from watching shows like these?

Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

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