goodsamaritan55 #fundie
In the natural scheme of things, healthy men are sexually active when called upon for action. Women have a cycle where they are interested in sex when the time is “right”. That right time is when she is healthy and willing to bear children. A pregnant female is not interested in any more sex, nor should she be having sex, she is already pregnant. Do you understand?
Once a female has given birth, she needs to breast feed her little one for some 2 years and stick close to her baby. At this time there is no desire for children. And if there is no desire for children, no sex is desired...
Since a woman may only be interested in sex every 2 to 3 years it makes no sense for a man to with hold his sexuality in those 2 to 3 years where a woman is not sexually available, nor should it make sense to rush a woman and have additional children when she is not healthy nor ready yet. So it was and still is natural for men to have multiple wives.