
Webmaster Priest of Lord Ray-El #god-conplex #fundie #crackpot ra-el.org

JANUARY 28TH, 2011

Question: “Why haven’t I heard about this?”

Answer: The world witnessed the Messiah’s arrival in Jerusalem, exactly where and how the Holy Scriptures predicted, but GOVERNMENTS AND CHURCHES HAVE BEEN HIDING THE TRUTH IN A DESPERATE ATTEMPT TO HOLD ON TO POWER!!!

When Christ ascended to Heaven 2000 years ago, it was at this location,
and the angels assured the witnesses that he would return the same way.

“And they were saying to them, ‘Galilean men, why are you standing and gazing into the sky? This Yeshua, who was taken up from you into Heaven shall come in this way, as when you saw him going up into Heaven.'”
Acts 1:11

“For just as lightning goes out from The East and appears unto The West,
so will the coming of The Son of Man be.”
Matthew 24:27

When his Holy Spirit descended from the clouds in the Middle East (Jerusalem),
it entered our realm with a flash like lightning, and instantly traveled to
the West (North America), to join with the Son of Man, RayEl.