
Rethinking AIDS #conspiracy rethinkingaids.com

In Wikipedia, the HIV/AIDS hypothesis is only rarely maintained and defended by editors using their real names. The problem is that the logic and assumptions underlying the hypothesis are so fundamentally dishonest that, like the press secretary of a tottering tyrant or failing president, anyone who becomes publicly and continually associated with them eventually suffers a damaged personal and professional reputation.

Considering the amount of work and risk involved, no one would bother for long without a direct or indirect special interest. What better solution than to hide behind a pseudonym, given that most editors use them by custom? That’s our opportunity. We dissidents went public with our views when we became signatories here or on our Facebook page, so there is nothing to stop us from doing the same on Wikipedia.

It's a curious situation: dissidents have names but orthodoxists don't. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?

We suggest a crowdsourcing approach specifically to keep dissidents focused only on edits that will garner the most support from other dissidents. Template messages are the obvious place to start. Later, as informal associations among us congeal, more detailed text-edits among a range of HIV/AIDS articles (see above) should become feasible.

Use the Discussion pages for that, but don’t waste your time trying to reason with or convert pseudonyms. (If a rare real-name orthodoxist editor should challenge you, have fun.) And finally, be careful of burnout. Towards that end, try to limit your edits to one per article per day. Speed and convenience is the idea.

Rethinking AIDS #fundie rethinkingaids.com

Rethinking AIDS (RA) is a voluntary, open-membership association of people who have signed the petition agreeing that “It is widely believed by the general public that a retrovirus called HIV causes the group diseases called AIDS. Many biochemical scientists now question this hypothesis. We propose that a thorough reappraisal of the existing evidence for and against this hypothesis be conducted by a suitable independent group. We further propose that critical epidemiological studies be devised and undertaken.”

RA seeks to bring critical reappraisal to all the facts and generalizations that have been misinterpreted under HIV/AIDS theory and to make the media and the general public aware of the pressing need for such reappraisal, including the corrosive impact of this theory on scientific research and on the human and legal rights of people who test positive on an “HIV test.”