Nic Samojluk #fundie
The government has an interest in the detrimental effects of sexual experimentation and sexual misbehavior. It costs the taxpayer billions of dollars when people sucumb to sexual experimentation.
The government has an interest in the detrimental effects of sexual experimentation and sexual misbehavior. It costs the taxpayer billions of dollars when people sucumb to sexual experimentation.
You seem to conclude that homosexuals unions should be elevated to the dignity of married individuals. For me this is like saying. Dwarfs are not to blame for the physical abnormalities they were born with; therefore they should be allowed to become policemen, firemen, or apply for any other line of employment available for normal individuals.
[On whether Christians should support gay marriage]
You folks here never cease to amaze me with how much you twist, distort and generally diss the Scriptures, regardless of how much you have fooled yourselves into thinking otherwise.
Know I know what Jesus meant about "the blind leading the blind."
More proof of how, as I have said before, there's isn't a belief too silly, too preposterous, that once it becomes du jour some "Christians" aren't going to fall over each other in a rush to find some "biblical" evidence supporting it.
Gay marriage? Yeah, right!
. . .
I'm sure Jesus looks approvingly on "loving, monoganamous, and committed" homosexual sodomy, don't you?