
“Volkslehrer” Nicolai Nerling #conspiracy #racist wiki.sonnenstaatland.com

(Nicolai Nerling, also known as “der Volkslehrer”, is a German far-right conspiracy theorist and YouTuber. He was a school teacher who frequently had to change employment due to complaints and was finally fired in 2018. Recently he has been convicted of Holocaust denial and sentenced to 12,750€ + process costs. He was also awarded this year’s crackpot award of shame “Goldener Aluhut” (“Golden Tin Foil Hat”) in the category “General conspiracy theories”. Here he is at a far-right demonstration, showing off two pamphlets.)

imageFirst Pamphlet:
“Do you want to know who rules you? Ask yourself who it is that you not allowed to criticise! (Horst Mahler)”
(In a red circle, crossed out) “§ 130 StGB”*

Second pamphlet:
“There can be no peace without truth:
1. Islamic terrorism is an invention of the westrn. intelligence agencies.
2. Zionists are behind the intelligence agencies.
3. The story of the Holocaust is a story full of lies.

*The StGB, Strafgesetzbuch, is Germany’s Criminal Code. §130 concerns Incitement to Hatred (Volksverhetzung).