Catholicism may indeed be a "cool" religion with all the "mystical" fancy dressed priests, rituals, foreign-language mumbo-jumbo, candle-burning, and cannibalism. Of course, not being Christianity, Catholicism is just another form of paganism/satanism, which is why ALL the Catholics are on their way to Hell together with all the other pagans, be they Moohamadans, Mormons, lieberal Methodists and Presbyterians, witches, atheists, homolutherans, and all other satanists/non-Christians. John 3:18
"As was told by (the Catholic) Augustine, "Those body parts, like the rest, would be moved by the command of the husband's will, and he would be mingled with the loins of the wife without the seductive stimulus of passion, with calmness of mind and with no corruption of the innocence of the body ... Because the wild heat of passion would not activate those parts of the body, but, as would be proper, a voluntary control would employ them. Thus it would then have been possible to inject the semen into the womb through the female genitalia as innocently as the mentrual flow is now ejected."
"Some resources about the false Catholic religion (from a very liberal source):
"@ Jerry
Jack Chick is your idea of a liberal source? ahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Such a troll you are."
...except when it suits Jerry's hypocritical doctrinal purposes, and - temporarily - Catholics & the likes of Jack Chick aren't Satanists, are 'True Christians' and are the Elect.
Except when they arent. Because anything said by Satanists is suposed to be anathema to 'True Christians' such as Jer. Until he needs to quote the 'liberal' - and therefore Satanic - Jack Chick or whoever he needs to quote-mine from again.
Ah, such intellectual integrity from him, eh? Except when he needs to be intellectually dishonest, such is the Pharisee Jerry.
Besides, it was Princess Celestia who created your 'Lord'. Care to dispute that fact? Better be prepared to pony up the evidence to the contrary, otherwise it is so, and you're admitting that fact.