woodchip #transphobia #conspiracy #wingnut descentbb.net

With all the Woke B.S. going on in schools, both H.S.'s and college, like girls being required to take swim classes and then changing single sex swim class's to include both sexes, gender fluidity indoctrination, males pretending to be make believe girls using female bathroom/locker rooms.
So who is getting on the bandwagon (and I've been wondering when they will become vocal)...the Muslims. I think they been active but just not much has been reported on it. I think a slow shift to morality is taking place. I didn't much care for Muslims, what with beheading's of prisoner and honor killing but now I may become more in tune with them.




So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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