Nebuchadnezzar #sexist
The different sociocultural contexts of the black pill.
I actually know that most of you have a vision of the black pill primarily coming from your rich first world context. I live in a fucking shit hole the poorest country in the entire continent (Venezuela) we are a piece of Africa in the western hemisphere.
Here hypergamy acquires different nuances typical of our context. For example, it does not matter if you are a 10/10 chad if you are poor, you screw yourself, the chads in my neighborhood are as poor as I am and they often come to my house to pick mangoes in order to survive. I've seen people looking better than me digging through the trash or asking for money on buses. Also, unlike their countries, here betabuxxing continues to work, you can be a 1/10 or a subhuman, but as long as you do not have serious deformities you can keep a young foid who gives you sex (of course if you run out of money she it leaves), also here there are no dating applications NOBODY I repeat NOBODY knows what the hell is tinder, I even think it is not valid for my country. You can also be ugly or short but if you are charismatic enough you can occasionally have sex (I have seen it with my own eyes).
So who monopolizes the foids in my country?
Easy, the damn government officials, commissioners, captains, generals, government administrative managers, ministers, mayors, governors etc ... those are the chads of my country, not some fucking malnourished guy with good facial symmetry. The damned corrupt government are the ones I hate, I don't feel hatred for the chads of my country because they are simply as misrearable as I am. The last way to get promoted here is to become a criminal (which is very easy here), "the pran" (criminal leader) of my neighborhood is fucking ugly (almost truecel level) and still he fucks the best foids in the neighborhood.
Finally you will wonder ... why don't you go up if it's so easy? I simply cannot, because first I am poor and I have nothing to offer and second I am VERY shy and VERY inhibited to a level that is very rare to see someone like me in my country. It's just over for me. I just wanted to offer you something of the context of inceldom in my country.