GSB/LTD #ufo #conspiracy
I believe that the many ET species are behind what's commonly called the New World Order and if they are, this would also explain the numerous conspiracy theories about the involvment of the "Iluminati" and every fraternal organization on the planet [I myself have been a Rosicrucian for over 30 years]. Every single Rosicrucian, Masonic and Shrine lodge practices ancient rituals that is supposedly the purest knowledge handed down by the Ancients [ET's] and why it must thus be protected from the general public.
And, I think the ET's demand a planetary homogeny: the erasure of all national borders, a common religion, universal disbursement of needs [with money considered obsolete] and communciation systems are key to global delvelopment. Since all the other cosmic cultures operate this way, it is expected that we do the same before we are invited to join them.
This all may just be a flashback from watching a first-run STAR TREK as a teen [I TOLD you I was an OLD man!], but it does seem to make alot of sense. It's also more than a little disturbing to imagine such a civilisation!
This whole "Galactic Order" could also explain why there are both "good" ET's and "bad" ET's: the bad ones are the rebels among the species... those who won't give up their borders or accept blending in any form. They are warlike because they've been fighting to maintain their cosmic autonomy. Meanwhile, the "good" ET's travel around observing -and sometimes fiddling with- planets such as own own. And here we are.
They say that art imitates life and how often have we seen scenarios like the one described above in countless TV shows and movies? There are those who insist that the classic sci-fi writers such as Azimov, Heinlein, and Bradbury were walk-ins. Could be!