Various tweeters #transphobia

Resharing this message as we see people masquerading as feminists suggesting otherwise in local right wing leaning media, anon twitter accounts and billboards (funding source unknown) !
Transphobia has no place in feminism. #AE22

Men have no place in Women's facilities. Funny how Irish people would pretend not to know what Women are. Magdalene Laundries ring any bells? Women only. Men can never be Women. And you know that. You know that. You have no place in Feminism with such callous disregard for Women.

They know what women are when they want to abuse them thats for sure

Or when they want surrogates.
Or who to stop meeting together to discuss their rights.
Or who to threaten with rape or death.
Or who to expose themselves to.
It's almost as if they really know all along.

The blades at the Belfast Meninist Network know fine rightly what a woman is. They just don't care anymore. Traitors.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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