Capital punishment is a means to an end. If capitalists are executing murderers, then that's good. I don't understand modern socialists (not the laughable "socialists" like some here identify themselves as) for this reason. Good can come out of evil, and capitalism is a key example of this thought. It's like Osama bin Laden having died in a car accident.
More pertaining to prisons, think of the Holocaust (lolGodwin). There were a hell of a lot of innocents who were killed, but there were also murderers, pedophiles, rapists, and other convicts who got gassed. I don't think we can really mourn for them, they got what they deserved. There's murderers, rapists, pedophiles, and other crooks in North Korea's prison system too, for that matter, do they not deserve it?
Actually, they don't, they just deserve death, and so do their equivalents in the US. We don't execute nearly as many people as we should, thus they take up space in our crowded prisons, and force the taxpayer to pay for the living expenses of people who film themselves raping little kids and sick filth like that. And just read the inmate list in places like ADX Florence, more people who deserve a quick death.
Basically, capital punishment is necessary for a society to function in practice, although it would be great if it didn't need to exist.
anyways under _socialism_ i support the state punishing counterrevolutionaries by death. it's how we will reach communism tbh.
This is an issue too. Because only the psychopathic and mentally ill are genuinely evil and unreachable. Do counterrevolutionaries belong in prison, absolutely, or at their leaders would. Do they deserve death? Uh, not really. Most people can be talked out of their foolishness. Ten percent of people will always be idiots who oppose you no matter how great you and your system is, but they can be kept down in other ways than North Korea-esque stupidity. Like, say, making them as potent on society as you and I are now.
@Pharaoh Bastethotep
Nope, sorry.
Unless the people vote for it, amirite?