So with this said, I suggest recommending the following: (1) Tell the person(s) that if they have great difficulty believing there is but one Creator-God, to ASK HIM to make it possible for them to know He is God & to know He WILL answer them in His own unique way & timing! To ask Him directly & not through a spiritual leader! (2) Mention that Lee Strobel, an award winning Investigative Journalist & a strong-minded atheist, set-out to prove once in for all, that Jesus was a fraud & was not who he claimed to be & did none of the things He claimed to have accomplished! And, in fact, He never existed! Strobel hated Christianity even though he didn't have a clue of what he was talking about, but like many, had confused Christianity with mankind's religions, believing they were one in the same. And, as Strobel may have earlier mentioned, how do we know George Washington ever existed? How do we know our history books aren't a hoax? We know Washington existed, due to the number of folks who personally knew him, saw him or heard him deliver a speech & recorded their encounters in diaries, in letters, on documents, etc., etc., etc. Undeniable, verified documents is how Lee Strobel ended-up KNOWING who Jesus is & is not, was reconciled to God through Jesus & became an actual Christian and ended his quest by writing the only book in history, “The Case For Christ,” to prove Jesus is as the Holy Bible says! And, with this said, I mention I recommend them to read the book.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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