God repeatedly told the Jews to listen to Him. They didn't. So he punished them. They still didn't listen. So then he said He would punish their children and they still didn't listen. So anyone who risks the lives of his children to ignore God isn't showing any love to his children by doing so. You would be wise to heed that as well because God won't allow people to desecrate His laws and His creation without consequences. Sorry.<winking smiley.>
On average, "converting" people to christianity has resulted in the wholesale slaughter of 1630 innocents per day, every day for the last 1600 years.
Christianity is a sick joke perpetrated by a fabric of lies and distortions.
Those darn Jews never learn do they. Oh well, smiting time. Be more like Abraham & slice open your children for God. At least the blood thirsty aztecs used prisoners of war but I guess charity begins at home, even for death cults.
I wonder when anyone begins to listen to me . There is, of course, punishment. In the form of cause&effect.
Currently, nature is in great imbalance. This allows for much evil to build. Once the world is in balance (and it never was - I am not done creating it), all the accumulated evil will be punished by appropriate cause&effect consequences. The opposite happens for accumulated but unrewarded good.
The karma system will work as you would expect it. The world will be a just place.
But currently, it isn't. Don't use the opportunity for evil. Because, unless you die (Death is the end.), you will have to pay for all the negative score that you accumulated.
"So anyone who risks the lives of his children to ignore God isn't showing any love to his children by doing so."
Yet to do so by ignoring science, medicine or the state of the planet is okay in your book, apparently.
Carico, you are an ignorant bitch. Your mind is warped and you spew hate in the name of your supposed god of love. If there were a god of love, he would strike you down on the spot. You still being here is ample proof there can be no god. Now shove your head even further up your arse until you suffocate in the fumes of your own bowels, you evil bitch.
1) God loves you. He really does. The fact that he's causing you pain and suffering is your own doing. He doesn't want to do it, really. But if you continue to not love him back, he'll be forced to do even worse things to you. Eventually, he'll have no choice but to consign you to an eternity of torture. Wouldn't you feel bad if you forced God to do that?
2) The winking smiley at the end proves you're an asshole.
Actually read your bible; prior to the Babylonian invasion of Judah the jews were very faithful. Prior to the Roman invasion the Jews were very faithful. Prior to the destructon of the temple jews were the most faithful. And in all these examples a foriegn, pagan, power took over and destroyed the hebrew nation. Seems to me God is just a dick, like a kid who likes to break his toys or kick his puppy for no reason at all.
If only God could have explained why he wanted things done one way and not the other, the Jews would probably have been more willing to listen to what he said. But oh no, it was just "BECAUSE I SAID SO", page up and page down in that collection of ancient myths you hold so dearly.
Punishing children for the sins of their parents IS FUCKING EVIL! And so are you for condoning it.
Not sure which is really worse: your god who plays revenge toddler games like those you mentioned or Satan who seems to have some great music associated with him.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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