They started decades ago in conditioning children that it is evil to discriminate. Remember Polyanna...with Haley was against preachers calling sin, a sin (he was so MEAN!!!!).....this conditioning has destroyed moral if you are honest and a true Christian, you get called a bigot and hater.
This is on purpose....we live in a fascist country where we have no freedom of thought or speech. Speech codes and Alinskyite tactics to shut down dialogue is intentional—to destroy us from within so they can create a one world currency and government. It is obvious. Christians are too independent and self-sufficient and responsible....they need dysfunctional people who will willingly be slaves and sell out their fellow man.
It is why they are repealing eliminate the Christians...they will have to be silent or kicked out....then our military will be equivalent to the Russian atheists or the Nazi homosexual Brownshirts....inhumane, evil and disgusting—even made Patton puke. Their immorality makes it easy for the government to use them to kill their own citizens...which our Christian military would not have done.
It took generations of demeaning Christians....forcing God out of the schools in the fifties and out of the public square and removing morality from the schools which John Dewey did intentionally. Remove morality from all decisions....when morality and virtue were the reasons Washington set up public schools in the first place.
They replaced God with “feel good, do it”. The cultural Marxists are doing it to create a vulgar, dysfunctional mass of ignorant people who are addicted to their sensual pleasures....they are easy to control with throwing freebees, like abortions, condoms, etc. They just want their drugs and sex and they don’t give a damn about family, relationships and the future. The radical homosexuals are disgusting and evil and selfish narcissists.
Just checking I've understood correctly...
Pollyanna is the first step on a slippery slope to the elimination of Christians by fascist Nazi homosexual brownshirts?
I'm just glad there's a very large ocean between me and this bubbling vat of industrial strength stupidity.
"...inhumane, evil and disgusting.."
"...disgusting and evil and selfish narcissists."
Oh, it looks like your new mirror just arrived. It's nice and shiny, just the way you Freepers like'em.
Also, I wanna marry the boy I fancy FOR the sake of the future, for family and for love. Soooo... as the rude bitch Glycerine Johnson would say
Kiss my ass~ Ohh, ohh, left-side, right-side, inside, kiss myyy ass~
You don't live in a fascist state, you fundie idiot, you don't even know what that word means. Go open a history book and read what the life conditions in states like Germany between 1933 and 1945 were or in the Soviet Union. Be glad that you can exercise your human right to free speech on the street without being tortuerd to death. Your brainless statement is extremely offensive to anyone who died under fascist powers or who had relatives and friends who did.
As a 19 year veteran still on active duty I can confidently say, you are full of BS. The repeal of DADT will not get rid of Xians. Xians make up a very large majority in the military. All the repeal does is allow gays to serve in the military without having to hide who they are.
Gays are already serving, I have known at least a dozen homosexual service members in 19 years. I've probably known more than that, the others I just didn't know about.
What is scaring people like you is that now people will know who the homosexuals are. They are already in the ranks, but now you won't be able to plug your ears and go, "Lalalalala, there are no gays in the military."
"Blah Blah I'm a paranoid idiot who hates anyone who doesn't abide by my narrow minded and totalitarian worldview."
Boring and predictable word salad, on par with other savagesusie's ramblings.
You want Christians to be in control of all governing bodies, internationally. In other words, you're working to create a one-world government.
Mind you, if a OWG were created on the principles of Gene Roddenberry, it might be pretty sweet. National borders are increasingly notional, anyway.
Gosh savagesusie, I bet you can't hear yourself think with all that noise going on! It's as though an invisible deity has visited the inside of your head with a multitude of strident dins and swirling maelstroms. Amidst the cacophony and the buffeting tempests a lone human strives to escape to a region of calmness and freedom but keeps being whirled back down into the raging insanity.
Oh savagesusie, if only the plan was to eliminate Christianity....
But it's not, so stop spouting shit.
Five words: You'd make a good Dalek.
Oh, and thanks for preaching your hate. I now know who to avoid the next time I'm out and about.
"the Nazi homosexual Brownshirts"
No. Homosexuality in Nazi Germany was punishable by being sent to a concentration camp (and thus death). They were, however, almost certainly Christians. Just like Hitler.
we live in a fascist country where we have no freedom of thought or speech.
(emphasis mine)
That's right, savagesusie. Keep spouting your bile and the jackboots will come and scoop out your head goo with a spoon. Uh huh. [/sarcasm]
It is why they are repealing eliminate the Christians...they will have to be silent or kicked out.
Little touch of irony perhaps? DADT basically meant that homosexuals had to be silent about their sexual orientation... or be kicked out.
It really is amazing how these right-wing scumhats think that society bacoming more tolerant means it's becoming fascist.
They started decades ago in conditioning children that it is evil to discriminate.
Please tell me why discrimination is a good thing? And whatever argument you use, I'm going to use it to show that discrimination against Christians is a good thing.
we live in a fascist country where we have no freedom of thought or speech.
Why is it that people who say this always do it on an internet message board which has a variety of opinion and people not afraid to state them?
It is why they are repealing eliminate the Christians...they will have to be silent or kicked out....
??? I'm totally confused by this statement. And the military is full of proselytizing Christians as it is.
forcing God out of the schools in the fifties and out of the public square
Nobody forced God out of anything. You can still pray in school and put up religious symbols, you just can't force kids to pray or put religious symbols on public property.
The cultural Marxists are doing it to create a vulgar, dysfunctional mass of ignorant people who are addicted to their sensual pleasures
What you mean here is that they should be addicted to God.
so if you are honest and a true Christian, you get called a bigot and hater.
No, If you're a bigot and hater you get called a bigot and hater.
we live in a fascist country where we have no freedom of thought or speech
Your desire to control admission to the military based on sexual orientation is a fascist desire. You are a lying hypocrite.
they need dysfunctional people who will willingly be slaves and sell out their fellow man.
Your assumption that homosexuals a lesser humans disgusts me. You are a cunt of note. A bigot and hater.
They replaced God with “feel good, do it”.
That is an outright lie. Something I'd expect from a cunting bigot and hater.
The radical homosexuals are disgusting and evil and selfish narcissists.
Your projection is unwarranted. You probably don't personally know any open gay people do you?
>implying a single world currency would necessarily be a bad thing.
Wauld make trade a lot easier... and trade tends to make people's lives better, spread ideas...
Oh, so that's why.
"if you are honest and a true Christian, you get called a bigot and hater."
If you are a bigot and a hater you get called a "true christian" (fixing).
"we live in a fascist country where we have no freedom of thought or speech."
Except that you can say these things without fear of state reprisal.
"so they can create a one world currency and government."
Both of which would be fantastic solutions to worldwide macroeconomic problems and would likely improve life the world over.
"They replaced God with “feel good, do it”...they don’t give a damn about family, relationships and the future."
Because family, relationships and the future are all things that feel terrible and we wouldn't pursue them unless the church told us to.
Immediately after posting this, Susie was tracked down by the secret police, arrested, savagely beaten, thrown into a slave labour camp with trial, and worked to death.
No, hang on, sorry, all that happened was that she got mocked a bit. So, maybe the USA isn't a fascist state?
Typical Freeper, and even more typical Susie. NOTHING that was said here was not already said by her in another post. Like the others, it's an FSTDT/CSTDT twofer.
And to this day I don't understand what a "cultural Marxist" is. Can someone please enlighten me on this matter?
EDIT: And I agree with nazani. What exactly would be so bad about a one world government? The world federalist movement wants one democratic government for the entire world, which is an admirable goal. One can even argue that the main reason the United Nations didn't cause this was because of the Soviets and the Cold War ruining everything. After all, a lot of founders of the UN had world federalist principles, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was clearly intended to apply to the entire world. (If only it actually did-- damn you, Soviets!) Ergo, the reason these people oppose it is because they are against democracy.
we live in a fascist country where we have no freedom of thought or speech.
Stop whining and exaggerating. You can think and say pretty much anything you want. Just read your own damn forum, for example! That doesn't mean everyone else has to listen to you or agree with you.
In a fascist country, the government would be like you - close-minded and discriminating. Someone clearly doesn't know what "fascist" means. Hint: it does not mean "progressive", "open-minded" or "liberal".
geez, persecution complex much?
also, you owe the internet a new irony meter...
is it me or is savagesusie a vegeterian? she's spewing a hell of a load of word salad everywhere, without managing to choke on it
They started decades ago in conditioning children that it is evil to discriminate.
It is.
if you are honest and a true Christian, you get called a bigot and hater
If the shoe fits...
we live in a fascist country where we have no freedom of thought or speech
Christians are too independent and self-sufficient and responsible
Oh, I get it now, it must be opposite day! Now your post makes sense!
Ahh yes... another citation of how General Patton would feel.
The more I hear susie talk about Patton, the more I am compelled to believe she knows nothing about him.
Oh, wait. Narcissism like you fundamentalists have about care for Earth and not turning it into a polluted hellhole? Jesus'll just make you another one, right? Narcissism like your beloved Chimperor had in starting a needless war and failing utterly at directing the conflict where it honestly needed to go, on false pretenses? Sure. If I could give blood, I would give blood. If I could be a father without facing the bigotry of you and your ilk, I would be a father.
Unlike you, susie? I actually give a shit for the sake of love, freedom and happiness. Is that so evil, that I wish that people could actually have a good life while they've still got a beating heart? Right, I forgot. It is evil. If it's not spent in utter conformity to your monoculture, it's evil. Worthy of eternal damnation, punishment without end for all time. Submit or be utterly destroyed. Secular institutions even protect your regrettable method of self expression, and in your selfish, blinkered world view you don't even see that. You call it fascist when you step over the lines of decency and are called out for it. Yet you don't call it altruist when secular organizations like the ACLU defend Christian rights equally well as secular rights, Islamic rights, or any other basic American right, to their last.
You useless, hypocritical fossil. Shuffle along to extinction.
Fuck you.
You want to support a standardized stupefied unthinking populace that blindly plays into the hands of the elite. You motherfuckers are not independent at all. You'll need your churches and pundits to feed your twisted lame mind a version of the world that's easy enough for you to understand that non-standardized humans are a threat.
You're the fascist. You'll fight the truth because you've been lied to for so long that you're incapable of recognizing it. You have been dumbed down to the point where you're incapable of producing unique thoughts and speech.
You have lost.
lrn2separation of church and state
It's in the first amendment. It didn't "just" start happening. The founding fathers were deists. They hated religion.
Lol, cultural Marxists? How does that work? do they believe in equal distribution of culture to the masses?
"The radical homosexuals are disgusting and evil and selfish narcissists."
Projection much? Also, is it hard to write with one hand and stroke your e-peen with another?
Savagesusie has some very peculiar ideas, a mishmash of the worst demagoguery from the most paranoid and manipulative right wing populists and a rigid moral certainty that she is right about everything, while everyone that disagrees with her is evil and somehow associated with homosexuality.
She is led all too willingly into paranoid fantasising along with her masochistic leader worship, whose fascistic undertones she ironically projects onto her imagined enemies.
if you are honest and a true Christian, you get called a bigot and hater.
If you are a bigot and hater, you're not an honest and a true Christian. Jesus said love God and love your neighbor. The preacher who "called sin a sin" never mentioned love, either God's for us or us for each other. He preached the Christianity of that hate-filled, judgmental misogynist beloved of fundies, Paul, not Jesus.
It's like every aspect of common fundie, homophobic, evil-atheist-society rhetoric, somehow distilled into one exquisitely repulsive beacon of conspiracy-theorist stupidity, lurid strawman-creating, and continual logical disconnect.
Oh yeah, that horrible fascist freedom from discrimination and persecution! We can't have that!
If you have no freedom of thought or speech, how then did you manage to spout this nonsense for all to see, susie?
Not all Russians are atheists; many are returning to their old Russian Orthodox faith.
The Nazis were Christians, and they killed their own citizens on an industrial scale.
God was still in our schools during the 70's when I started school, and we were taught the Golden Rule, which is all moral you need, really.
Who's the selfish narcissistic ones? The ones who just want to live in peace with the love of their life, or the ones who wants to force their own world-view onto others and forbid others to live in peace with the love of their life? I'd say the latter group.
Dear savagesusie,
I'm hoping to become a Christian Fundamental Cultist so I was wondering if you could give me some advice.
First thing is, whenever I lie it always seems obvious that I'm lying, so I'm no good at lying. How do you do it?
Second thing is I don't care what other people do as long as they are not hurting anybody. How do I become an interfering persecutor like you?
Third thing is that while I'm not exactly a genius, I still have managed to accumulate a fair bit of knowledge over the years. How do I uneducate myself in order to become an ignorant dork?
Fourth thing is that I'm fairly moderate in all my views. How do I become a ranting right-wing extremist?
Well that's enough for now. Hopefully if you can give me answers to those four questions I will be well on the way to being a Fundamental Cultist.
Love, Jasper
"This is on purpose....we live in a fascist country where we have no freedom of thought or speech."
I'm thinking freely right now. Even during my church's futile attempts to brainwash me I manage to get an independent thought or two in. You're right about the speech part though, every time I try to discuss my agnosticism, or the damage your precious Dubya has done to this country and our image in the eyes of the world, I get bullied and berated by Conservotwat who always seems to be standing nearby.
I like the backwards-think where the people heavily invested in a universe where they exist to serve a mighty dictator are the ones who are self-sufficient and responsible, and the ones who reject God are the ones willing to be slaves.
I mean, Christianity isn't actually named 'submission' like its eastern brother, but it's still a central tenet, so what you say?
Well, preachers can talk about sin all they want in churches, but when they're yelling at random people on the streets about it, that's harassment.
"Honest and true" Christian? Are they talking about Christian Weston Chandler? Either way, "Savage" is at least an honest username.
"It is obvious. Christians are too independent and self-sufficient and responsible....they need dysfunctional people who will willingly be slaves and sell out their fellow man."
I haven't laughed like that in years.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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