@exulansic , @Rod0001 & @stopstartstop #transphobia gettr.com

( @exulansic )
"Female" is a sex that we were before we were human. "Woman" is a age-species-sex complex (adult-human-female) that exists apart from cultural attitudes about women and is unrelated to how the woman looks.

"Handmaid" is a gender defined by legal rights and social status, that is not coterminous with the biological category of woman. This has been a demonstration of the difference between sex and gender.

They have redefined "woman" as a gender which includes all adult human females and some males. Adult human females, a group which is exclusive of all males, and is not a social gender, have been redefined as 'ciswomen,' which we are told is just another social gender. Adult female humans have no rights, no status, and no word.

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( @Rod0001 )
We have to keep rejecting the cis prefix. I say I don't have a gender, therefore I can't be cis or trans.

( @stopstartstop )
I am an adult human female. I belong to a biological sex group - female. I have XX chromosomes (I assume! No-one has ever told me I haven't.) I am a woman. As a woman, I identify with all other biological women. I do not need any further designation, such as 'cis', as women are not a subset in their own sex class. No man can ever be a woman. The people who are trying to force women to agree to this and abandon their own identity are doing great harm. I did not vote for this and I do not consent.



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