rod777 #fundie
Liberals: Are They Even Human... Or A Different Species ?
Liberals...They Are:
Weinstein, Bergdahl, Snowden, Alinsky, Antifa, Manning, Hillary, The Media, The DNC—
Always those who Kill Babies, and The Elderly. Without Regret, or Excuse, Continuously Anti-America, Anti-Family, Anti-Right.
They Stand For Nothing, Refuse to Submit to Anything Except Their Own Desires, Always Choosing Against, and Not For, Never on the Side of Right, Never Duty, Honor, Country.
Confused About Evil, Ruled by Fear, the Solution Always Appeasement, and Surrender. Never Pride in Country, Allegiance to No One, and to Nothing.
Empty Carcasses With No Direction. Full of Hate, Despising Everything, Good For Nothing.
Liberals They are Not Like Us, They are a Different Species, Dangerous, Evil, Without Compassion, Deceitful, Liars, Corruptors of Good, Everything They Touch is Soon Ruined. Serpent Seed.
Unable to Change, Unwilling to Be Transformed. Unable to Co-Exist.
Leaving Our Survival as a Nation, Country, Culture, Neighborhood, and family, One Choice, Their Eradication.
They Have Infiltrated Your Schools, Your Government, Your Churches, Your Institutions.
They Have Soiled Your Children, Stolen Their Innocence, Robbed Them of A Glorious Past, and Left Them Without a Future Filled With Hope.
Vote Yes...It's them or us..