various commenters #transphobia


( Chronicity )
Dude is acting like he just realized the public isn’t buying the idea that men can wish themselves into womanhood, kids are capable to making their own medical decisions, and that publicly subsidized cosmetic medicine and surgery is a good thing,

Will he take these survey results as a clue that TRAs are ineffective salespeople for their cause? Will he be humble enough to consider whether the public has concerns worth listening to? Of course not. This is his conclusion.

Your average cis person wants a big, authoritarian state to regulate and control the lives of trans people.

Treating trans people like every other person of their sex is “authoritarian”.

( Unicorn )
How do those statistics imply people want an "authoritarian state to regulate and control the lives of trans people"?

My guy, you are absolutely free to go get your cosmetic surgeries at your own expense. Taxpayers refusing to fund frivolous plastic surgeries is not "authoritarian."

I guess they could argue making transgender-identifying people use the bathroom aligned with their sex or a unisex bathroom "authoritarian," but "cis" people also are required to follow the same rule of using a bathroom aligned with their sex?

I really want to know what this "authoritarian state" entails. What do they think "authoritarian" means?

( TheKnitta )
We don’t want weirdos in our spaces, or causing trouble when they work for us.

Worried about support like refuges for TIPs? Make your own. That’s what women did.

And no, we shouldn’t pay for your pointless vanity surgeries and hormones you don’t need, especially not when literally millions of people in the UK are waiting for operations their local NHS can’t afford to do.

Selfish male privilege, what a beaut of an example!

( TwoXChromosomes )

Worried about support like refuges for TIPs? Make your own. That’s what women did.

They're not worried about having actual refuges, violating women's boundaries is the point, as we all know. After all, if they can't intrude into and violate women's spaces, how else are they supposed to get their euphoria boners?



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