ArtNGame215 #fundie
(=A comic straw manning Universalism followed by the authors description=)
Christian upon appearing in Heaven: Yaayyyyy!!! I'm in Heaven! It's so amazing here! Praise God! Praise-
(*Christian stops with a dejected look on his face*)
Christian: Um...Lord why is this famous atheist heaven ?
God: Oh...because I love him and he doesn't deserve Hell.
Christian: But he hated you! He fought you and your teachings. He attacked all Christians...
God: True...but he's a good moral man. He's a wonderful person and very, very intelligent.
Christian (*Looking More Dejected*): There's a scammer here to. He used the Bible to scam people and preach a false gospel. He scammed millions off your followers.
God: Yes, yes. But he was still following my laws and preaching the gospel anyways.
Christian: Oh my goodness...that famous dictator is here to...
God: Yes, everyone is here! Isn't that great! I love everyone! Don't judge my decisions.
Christian: He killed millions of people! Including many Christians!
God: I said don't judge my decisions.
Christian (*Looking absolutely mortified*): Wait a minute...Lord, you mean I could have lived my life any way I wanted to and still be in heaven ?
God: That's right! I said Hell is only for the devil and his angels! I love everyone and no one deserves Hell!
Authors description: If the belief of Universalism was true, then maybe God would be something like this? Where everyone goes to heaven, no matter what.
Many people can't believe God would send people to Hell and refuse to believe it, claiming God is a kind, loving god. Which He is, but God is also a God of justice and holiness, but they deny what the Bible clearly shows multiple times about Hell, that is where people will go if they don't follow Jesus.
If people deny God and His existance and refuse to follow His ways, or follow their own version of God, why do they deserve a place in heaven?
Sadly, the idea that Hell doesn't exist and that it's only a state of mind is starting to get more popular with Christians, especially with those in the Emergent Church movement.
Remember what Jesus said in John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."