grondilu #sexist

Story I was contacted by a 38yo female, here is what I felt compelled to tell her

I'm not going to give you the whole exchange, but here is something I felt like telling her today, while she had left the conversation suddenly after I asked her a question about her Tinder usage.

I hope my last question didn't upset you. You have to put yourself in my shoes, though. Guys like me, we never really had much success with women when we were young. Then, when we hit 40, we get approached by women of our age. These women, they had many flings when they were young, when they were at the peak of their physical attractiveness. So frankly, when we see them coming, sometimes with their children, that gives us the impression that us, we are only worthy of the "left overs", if I dare say. There, I had to tell you this. Especially when the pictures you send me seem to have been shot by your lovers of the time. You have to be able to understand that this makes me slightly bitter. thus why I kind of feel like asking you questions about your "past".

:chad: :banhammer:

I'm fourty two. I had never been contacted by a female before.

Why do you have to be so beta about it? Where is the hatred? Where are the slurs? JFL it reads like a cuckit post. Either way I don't know why you didn't send it to her

Oh, I did send it to her. I just felt like sharing it with you guys.

What did she anaswer? If you are an oldcel and some females in their 40s are trying to get with you, you are an honorary incel still. That's not ascension, that's just over.

She hasn't yet. I just wrote it while she was offline. Thanks. I knew you guys would be understanding and not immediately call me Chad.



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