Think about what evolutionists are claiming. They claim that all life evolved from a big explosion, but they CAN'T tell you exactly what exploded, or where those initial elements came from. Then evolutionists claim that the earth was originally just a rock moving through the universe.
Strawman Alert! Strawman Alert!
"They claim that all life evolved from a big explosion..."
You have confused, intentionally I'm sure biology with cosmology.
A complete bastardization of the Big Bang, evolution, and abiogenesis. What other scientific frameworks could you have munged up, if given more time?
While I'm fairly certain that my life evolved from an explosive orgasm, I'm willing to bet that Dave here was the result of a failed expedition into the Greek erotic arts. . . . well now that I think about it, both are kind of gross. Forget I said anything.
ScienceDT wrote:
"A complete bastardization of the Big Bang, evolution, and abiogenesis. What other scientific frameworks could you have munged up, if given more time?"
Solar system formation, apparently.
I'm sure you have to listen to what "evolutionists" are claiming before you can think about it.
Clearly you're too lazy for even that, Dave.
Ah, yes.
Astronomy and Geology and Biology and High Explosive. An unbeatable combo.
You creationists keep forgetting the Black Monolith, though...what, you never made acquaintance?...shit, no wonder you're so fucking stupid.
Life came long after the explosion, which happened because something rather big popped out of the pre-universe vacuum (at least that's what we think). Initial elements were H, He, Li, Be, and B, and came from high pressure in the early primordial soup while the universe was still quite small. And "evolutionists" say nothing about the Earth -- astronomers have a rather more complicated and interesting story involving stellar debris.
but they CAN'T tell you exactly what exploded, or where those initial elements came from.
Yes they can, but you can't hear it because you have your fingers in your ears, and are going LA LA LA LA I'M NOT LISTENING!
Then evolutionists claim that the earth was originally just a rock moving through the universe. "
Uhhh, no. Missed the mark big time on that one.
And you claim that God is really three entities that are all one, and that one of them was born of a virgin and was a man but not a man. Then he loved everyone so much that he was killed by Jews, even though he is the king of Jews, and then he was dead for 3 days before he vanished like a fart in the wind up to heaven to be with his father who is himself. Yup...compared with that, evolution is so far-fetched.
Davey, Davey, Davey. [Shakes head sadly] Just think of the time you've wasted on this. You could have done so much more for yourself by going back to watching the telly and lobbing one off to little girls on the Disney Channel.
I hope your neighbours in Guam are reading this. Your predilections will catch up with you eventually.
Stewart, you know that the Big Bang has nothing to do with Evolution, so why do you keep going on about it?
I know the answer: because you're fucking stupid.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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