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Education in the Age of Awakening
The word education comes from the Latin educere, „ex“ meaning „out“ and „ducere“ meaning „to lead.“ Hence, „to lead out, bring out, lead forth.“
Education, in its truest understanding, is supposed to lead us:
- out of the Unreal to the Real
- out of limitation into expansion
- out of darkness into the light
- out of death into immortality
- out of the past into the future
- out of our human nature into our divine nature
- out of the 4th Kingdom (the human kingdom) into the 5th Kingdom (the Spiritual or awake kingdom)
Education means to lead us forward on the arc of evolution, forward towards the next step on the path of awakening, which is – for us – the entrance into the Fifth Kingdom.

The Fifth Kingdom is a Soul-conscious species.
Birthing a new, more advanced species

Now, realizing that the spirit of man keeps progressing upon the Path of Evolution, systematically and sequentially revealing the attributes of the divine as we evolve through the various epochs of history, what are we growing into in the 21st century? What are we going to reveal in the New Age?
We are growing to become Soul conscious. We are going to reveal the Soul. That‘s why the 21st century shall go down in history as the Age of the Soul. It shall go down in history as the age in which the masses awoke to Soul consciousness in their brain awareness, thereby collectively externalizing the next kingdom on Earth, the Kingdom of Awakened Souls.
If we look around in our world, we will notice that we are not the only kingdom evolving on Earth. There is the mineral kingdom, the vegetable kingdom, the animal kingdom, and the human kingdom. So, there are currently four kingdoms evolving on Earth.
When the human family begins to awaken to Soul consciousness in their brain awareness, we are doing nothing less than collectively giving birth to a whole new species, a species that is more advanced – Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically/energetically – than our current human family.
We are giving birth to an entirely new kingdom on Earth, the Fifth Kingdom.
The Fifth Kingdom is the Kingdom of Awakened Souls. Revealing and actualizing this Kingdom, or species (if you prefer this term), is our current collective evolutionary goal. It needs to be clearly articulated so we may understand where we are heading and take intelligent action to proceed towards it.
The more of us who understand and ponder our evolutionary goal and realize that we are collectively birthing a new, higher evolved species of human being, the more we can strengthen the collective thought form of our evolutionary goal which in turn shall impress itself upon the thinking of humanity and thus help give birth to the Age of Awakening.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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