David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist jesus-is-savior.com
When police yell at people, it is considered necessary; but when a husband yells at his wife or children, he is considered abusive. The reason is that America is a Godless nation, which does not recognize a man's authority over his wife in the marriage, and increasingly neither over his children in the home. Genesis 3:16 says...
"Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee."
Husbands are not allowed anymore in today's heathen American society to Biblically “rule over” their own wives. Women in America have to a large extent become sassy, arrogant and rebellious against masculine authority, particularly in the home. This is the Devil's work of feminism. This is why divorce is so commonplace. This is why women have entered church pulpits all across America teaching false doctrines. This is why American society is saturated today with whorishly dressed women with imprudent character and lewd conduct.
The way most American women dress is a disgrace. Even professed Christian women dress and act shamefully. I recently visited a Baptist church in my area. Most of the women in the church were wearing pants, swinging their hips to the contemporary music while clapping their hands. It was a sad sight. And they call this “worship.” The woman in front of me was moving her hips forward and backward, and every time she went forward the slacks she was wearing revealed the outline of her buttocks. The woman next to her was wearing pants and kept swinging her hip from one side to the other while clapping. This is sinful worldliness in the church. I won't go back. Do you know what the problem is? Apostate pastors who don't teach their congregation holy living and are afraid to preach against the sin of immodestly dressed women. As with everything else in this sin-cursed world, the love of money is the root of all evil. You can't even go to church anymore to escape the pollutions of the sinful world. The love of money is the reason why pulpits are silent today.