Anatolij Ivanovich Andreus #crackpot

Universe or Metagalaxy

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The meta-galaxy is mixed up with the universe, and the universe is mixed up with MetaGalactica.

The meta-galaxy is mixed up with the universe, and the universe is mixed up with MetaGalactica. Let's lay these two concepts in development, in the representation of the contemplation of the sky above our heads and within us the law on the development of the permanent, world of the cognizable, proceed from the postulate about the universe - the universe is eternal, infinite, homogeneous, isotropic.

In Google
The metagalaxy is confused with the Universe, and the Universe is confused with the MetaGalaxy.


1. Introduction.

The metagalaxy is confused with the Universe, and the Universe is confused with the MetaGalaxy. Let us sort through these two concepts in development, in the view of the contemplation of the sky above our heads and within us of the law on the development of the constant, the world of the knowable, we proceed from the postulate of the Universe - the Universe is eternal, infinite, homogeneous, isotropic. [1]

2. Universe or Metagalaxy.

How do we humans represent the universe? We see it as a sphere with a radius of 13, xx billion light-years with the center where we are. Based on the invariance of the laws of nature that we know, we can mentally imagine spheres of the same radius with centers in the region at the margins of our sphere. This will result in a new sphere, but already with a radius of 2 x 13, xx billion light-years from the center where we are. Using the induction method, we come to a sphere of infinite radius with the center where we are. Based on the invariance of the laws of nature that we know, we conclude that this is true for any point in the volume enclosed in a sphere, a sphere of infinite radius — the center of a sphere of infinite radius. The postulate of the universe is confirmed.[5]

3. Metagalaxy.

Our galaxy and other galaxies nearby, spaced tens, hundreds, thousands of times farther apart from their size, form the so-called our group of galaxies - a cluster of galaxies. According to this view, we can
see a cluster of clusters of galaxies, a cluster of clusters of clusters of galaxies, ..., a cluster of clusters ... clusters of clusters of galaxies.
This idea is spread, as the modern mainstream believes, to sizes of 13, XX billion years, that is, this is the largest cluster of clusters we know ... clusters of galaxies, let's call it cluster N. So we define our group of clusters N as cluster of clusters N, moreover, according to the same layout as for galaxies, clusters of N spaced at distances from each other tens, hundreds, thousands of times farther from each other in comparison with their sizes.
Thus, the light coming from the edge of cluster N is not accompanied by light from another nearby cluster N, we will call it cluster N1, and so on about any clusters of nearby NM. As soon as it is accompanied by light from another nearby NM cluster, which will last commensurate with the cluster size NM, and then will not be accompanied by light tens, hundreds, thousands of times longer than the cluster size NM in light years. That is, only creatures living dozens, hundreds, thousands of times longer than the size of the NM cluster in light years could only confirm this scenario.
And we can only proceed from the postulate of eternity, infinity, isotropy, homogeneity of the Universe for further understanding of our worldview and contemplation of the Universe, followed by the application in our life of the ABC of the meaning of life in order to become close to those creatures, which, in turn, have their own creatures, as we have previous-first, also able to contemplate such and other fantastic scenarios.

4. Findings.

And now is the time when the light from any cluster of NM has already flown past us and will not soon begin to fly past us again ... [2] [3] [4] [6]

5. Literature.
1. A. I. Andreus -
6. Анатолий Андреус. Мысли и воспоминания.
Thoughts and memories. Pensées et souvenirs. Gedanken und Erinnerungen.
RIDERO 2020 160 стр. ISBN: 978-5-4498-1692-4



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