whateverdude6833 #sexist forum.deviantart.com

Do you think that with an artificial womb, we can control how a baby develops, eliminating the existence of LGBT tendencies. No baby would be born gay or trans unless by design. You see, know how I said I wanted to manufacture genetically modified women and raise them to be ideal women to sell them as waifus?

Well, there's one problem... They have to be pure, unsullied by a man and free of romantic desires for a man in order to be sold as brand new...The man buying them will be the first man they love...As a result, all staff will be female to prevent possible sexual abuse and to keep girls from falling in love with their trainers...

But if we did that, how will they learn to be an affectionate partner from training alone? These are women who have gone their entire life without ever seeing a man outside a biology book.
My solution is to modify the all to be bi so they can learn love from one another...The girls will be assigned partners to mirror the relationships they'll eventually be in once they are sold to men.

Once they turn 18, they'll be separated from their girl partner and hopefully, they'll forget about her and use what they've learned on a male.

Besides, if they were totally straight, then we could only sell them to men.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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