If you do not believe men are drawn to look at seductive and alluring women, start watching their eyes in the presence of such women. A question that begs to be asked is, “Why would any woman who professes to know Christ as her Saviour dress in such a way as to be seductive and alluring? She may protest her clothing covers her body and the hem is below her knee; but does it highlight or accentuate parts of her body that only ought to be seen by her husband? Slit skirts are specifically designed to tease a man’s eyes and appeal to his lower nature; tight, form-fitting designs shamelessly publicize body parts and contours that ought to be private; clinging or translucent materials also are specifically designed to be provocative and revealing. If a sister is honestly unaware of how her dress is defrauding every man who views her, she ought to listen to a godly, older woman (Titus 2:3) in the flock, or the Pastor’s wife concerning her dress. But from what most women tell me, this type of seductive fashion is usually not accidental or ignorant. How tragic! Many, like Tamar, set out to deliberately catch the carnal eyes of men and tempt them to wrong desires even though they could technically say their bodies are “covered.”
It goes both ways, bub. Why aren't you demanding hot guys cover up and shut up?
Imagine all those "lady-brains" being twisted and tempted by man-cuteness (CUE ANOTHER BARRAGE OF SPUKIKITTY CELEBRITY MAN-CRUSHES....AAAAA-GAIN!)!....
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[Roggie's got a shirt on but his groinicological area is the REAL focus. What a horse! I also added a bonus of a young Mike Nelson being 'Gamera' on MST3K (It makes sense in-context)]
That is Awesome! WE all know DJS undying LUST for the lovely and luscious TAYLOR SWIFT!
I gotta'nother way to mess with his head....
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....A beautiful woman....but it's 21/22-year-old David Tennant....but he's A HOT BABE....but DJ Stupid is a sexist, homophobic, transphobic meathead....OH THE FORBIDDEN TEMPTATION! Let's watch Gilligan struggle with THIS!
Oh Baby-Tenni....
....You're such a stinker!
If you can't control your own eyes, or your own thoughts, or your own hands, or your own lusts, then the proper thing to do is ....blame the women, right?
You are pitiful, and pitifully obvious. Creep.
Of course, if they are wearing long non-slit skirts, they would still tempt you with their slutty feeemale gait ...
Or, maybe, it is not the fault does not lie with every human female on Earth, but with you, whose mind is in fact very much perverted, lusting after everything that moves (and even some things that don't *coughwashingtonmonumentcough*, but especially underage girls and Taylor Swift, of course). All human females need to do to invoke sinful thoughts in you is to exist.
If a sister is honestly unaware of how her dress is defrauding every man who views her, she ought to listen to a godly, older woman (Titus 2:3) in the flock, or the Pastor’s wife concerning her dress.
What if the pastor's wife does not see anything wrong with her clothing?
Well Short Eyes, I encourage you to gouge your eyeballs out. Women are not going to dress like those old prairie mamas who carry the Mormon Mind Virus, so you're going to have to deal with it.
@ Raspberry- What I wouldn't give to have legs like hers! Those shoes must make any drag queen worth his lipstick slobber with envy.
Sure, men like to look at pretty women. Important word there is LIKE.
Why would she dress like that? Because men LIKE to watch pretty women, dolt.
Everyone knows (or ought to know) what a human woman body looks like; you must have seen one in Biology lessons.
What, then, is the whole secrecy all about?
That which is hidden is more alluring than that which is out in the open.
Defrauding? Sounds like taking away fraud from someone, i.e. a good thing. But, apparently it means to betray, deceive.
Again, men LIKE to look at pretty women. You are not a representative of normal men, Kiddydiddler.
start watching their eyes in the presence of such women
Bullshit, I'm bust watching the T & A. It's the way "god" made me, who am I to argue?
Inspired by what The Angry Dybbuk says, I suggest you watch the Ray Milland film "The Man With X-Ray Eyes". The scene near the end, where the main character - nearly driven mad by what his testing his invention on himself has reduced him to: psychologically as a result of physiologically - encounters a tented revivalist gathering: the kind you wished so much returned to the mainland; 'Billy Sunday' & all that 'Fire & Brimstone' bollocks. Where the preacher tells him to do exactly what my learned colleague suggests. So he does.
Go ahead, Davey-boy. The only one stopping you: is you .
Every second you're not plucking out those offending eyes of yours, you love your sin too much.
For everyone else however, there's Self Control.
Hey Dave, I'm pretty sure there are men out there that won't find a woman of any sort alluring.
Now if you will excuse me. I think I shall join Spukikitty in posting my crushes.
her dress is defrauding every man who views her
As in "She dresses sluttily, putting her sexy body on display, but she won't fuck me!", right?
Yet more support for my hypothesis that David J. Stewart provides us with a good model for how things would work out if an incel would somehow get married.
Should I point out that muslim attire is a rapidly-growing fetish?
Also, funny story: I was at a sex-shop with my wife shopping for some private items, when a muslim woman came in, hijab and all, with a little girl in tow. I would say she was around 35-40 years. Turns out she was coming to this particular shop, because she could not find the hosiery she was looking for anywhere else. As we were just steps away, we could see what she was buying. Let's just say these "modest" clothes hide some rather saucy items...
About Tamar:
When Judah saw her, he thought her to be an harlot; because she had covered her face.
Genesis 38:15
Slit skirts are specifically designed to tease a man’s eyes and appeal to his lower nature; tight, form-fitting designs shamelessly publicize body parts and contours that ought to be private; clinging or translucent materials also are specifically designed to be provocative and revealing.
Hell yeah! Awesome, isn't it?
And hey, as long as we're posting crushes...and just to get some female ones to balance all the guy pics out, I guess... ;-)
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(Kerry Ellis, actress/singer and frequent collaborator with that curly-haired guy there...voice of a damn angel, too)
This might be how the Kiddydiddler want women to dress.
Because it's not the child-molester that is dirty and slutty, it's perfectly innocent women who dress as women in the west usually dress nowadays.
In the nearby village, there are women dressed like this walking around. They're from the monastery, I've seen them in grocery stores and retail shops sometimes.
Is that modest enough for ya, Kiddydiddler?
Hel-LOOOOO! I may identify as "Hetero" but....well, the Kinsey Scale exists for a reason....and voluptuous kittenish lades are BOOM CHICK A WOW WOW!
Sometimes I wish I was more straight-up Bi than mostly Het. If I fail with guys, I could date a gal without feeling kinda weird.
Yeah, I guess it's a good-looking girl when the straight girls say that kinda thing. :-D
Plus like I said, the voice she has....listen to her version of Defying Gravity some time.
Oh Mullah Davey, I'm sure you would prefer this form of dress. However, like I told the other mob, in my country I don't wrap a scarf around my face until the temperature is considerably lower than this, and there's a freezing winter wind.
As for Tamar:
Genesis 38
25 As she was being brought out, she sent a message to her father-in-law. “I am pregnant by the man who owns these,” she said. And she added, “See if you recognize whose seal and cord and staff these are.”
26 Judah recognized them and said, “She is more righteous than I, since I wouldn’t give her to my son Shelah.” And he did not sleep with her again.
Guess she was a lot more righteous than some, in Guam.
Hope I found you a straight one, here:
Finally, here's my beloved Keira as a buxom wench from the old days (with an obvious anachronism).
@ Crimson Ghost
Cool stuff! Enjoy...
If I had my way, I'd be up to my eyeballs in "Chads" every waking moment. I would never harass or insult them; just have them around to look pretty & for a financial bonus, have them serve me chocolate. I wonder what Short Eyes would have to say about that.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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