[Army promotes first woman to four-star general]
I find this saddening. Women have been masculinated enough these days because of things like feminism and modernism. By god given nature and law, women are to be humble, quiet, meek, proper, submissive and not try to emit authority over their husbands or others. These types of jobs go against everything in a womans God given maternal instinct and nature and suppresses them unnaturally.
By god given nature and law, women are to be humble, quiet, meek, proper, submissive and not try to emit authority over their husbands
She dumped your sorry ass, didn't she?
Peters, kindly STFU. Those "feminine qualities" that you listed aren't inbred, they're fucking forced upon girls as soon as they're fucking BORN. That is, people like you use fricking PROPAGANDA to mold us good little girls into obedient little doormats.
Fuck you with a yard of rusty barbed wire wound around an aluminum baseball bat.
I thought the meek were to inherit the earth? In other words, isn't EVERYBODY supposed to be meek and humble?
Besides, it's not like male generals are expected to be fatherly, as far as I know. Why isn't this guy complaining that Petraeus isn't protective and loving toward his subordinates?
Your ideal woman is of the inflatable type, obviously.
Go join the circle jerk with Patriarch Pete, Verlch, and FeministScum.
He's getting beat up on the other board, too.
SeekerJen: Oh, spare me. I take it you are not Catholic.
Dale_M: Wow, where did you get such ideas? This sounds more Islamic than Christian.
Sir Knight: Perhaps some "Christians" should read the bible to see where that came from ...
Dale_M: I believe Paul was referring to behavior in church, and not in the society at large.
Benedictus: This is a joke, right?
Callisco: Congratulations to that Woman!
He's getting beat up on the other board, too.
SeekerJen: Oh, spare me. I take it you are not Catholic.
Dale_M: Wow, where did you get such ideas? This sounds more Islamic than Christian.
Sir Knight: Perhaps some "Christians" should read the bible to see where that came from ...
Dale_M: I believe Paul was referring to behavior in church, and not in the society at large.
Benedictus: This is a joke, right?
Callisco: Congratulations to that Woman!
Firstly, I'm both thrilled and delighted to see your fellow catholics handing you your ass. It does my heart good to know there are some christians left in the world who don't drag their knuckles along behind them.
Secondly...General Dunwoody would like a word with you to address the disrespect you showed her, both as a woman and a soldier.
I don't think his chances to get laid is exactly stellar..I'm sure he prays every night for a submissive woman to be dumped at his doorstep.
Maybe he needs a few hours with someone named Mistress Monique or something similar...
Well, I figger, once you've risen through the Army ranks to the level of the Generals, any promotions you do or don't receive are motivated more by politics than by command ability.
This IS the Army we're talking about, after all.
Obviously you've never read the the BIBLICAL story of the Great Prophetess & First "Judge" of Israel, DEBORAH! The Chief Hebrew General, a man, was Mr. Chicken-Droppings, but this great woman of GOD heroicly went ahead of him & the battle against Israel's enemies was won. How about Esther or the Extra-Canonical Book of Judith? Both sexes are created EQUAL. No one is greater or lesser than the other.
Dear PetersKeys,
I'm sorry your penis is so tiny. I'm sure you'll someday find a nice fundie woman you can satisfy. In the meantime, do what other guys of your, um, *stature* do and buy a huuuuge truck.
There are women that would gladly submit to a man. However, they tend to be rather fussy, and you have to prove yourself a man worthy of such honour.
Sucks for you, doesn't it.
Try telling that to a real life woman, if you don't know any, tell it to your mother. And then see how long you can keep your balls, if you had any to start with.
"By god given nature and law, women are to be humble, quiet, meek, proper, submissive and not try to emit authority over their husbands or others"
Obviously written by a Catholic too young to have been educated by nuns.
I still try to avoid them in the street if I see any about
Vicious, mean, sour faced, evil, sadistic (sexually ) frustrated old cows (and that was just the "nice ones" )
Chauvi, tomorrow, you'll get a forced sex change operation! I expect you to be humble and submissive then not to forget quiet, meek and proper.
Oh, and DIAF! (Poor fire!!!)
This woman is a general, I don't think she cares what you think about her military career!
Generally speaking - you suck! Hopefully you get your submissive woman! I can see how it will all go downhill form there! Better have two computers, so you can both post at Rapture Ready at the same time, asking for help on how to deal better with your horrible spouse!
By god given nature and law, women are to be humble, quiet, meek, proper, submissive and not try to emit authority over their husbands or others.
I'd like to know how such a woman is supposed to be a good mother. I mean, by god given nature and law, only men are supposed to be out working, so the woman is the one spending the most time with the children, and how is she supposed to keep them in line if she can't "emit authority" over them? My brother was with a woman like this for a couple of years, with two children from her previous marriage. She never disciplined them, never followed through with warnings, just pretty much applied the "kids will be kids" mantra. They're a couple of brats with no respect for authority, already getting in trouble at school (or with school, since at least one is regularly truant).
A real mother could probably put some "real" generals to shame. The testosterone stew known as the military could do far worse (and often has) than allow women to rise in the ranks.
/I find this saddening./
Really? I find it inspiring and uplifting.
/Women have been masculinated enough these days because of things like feminism and modernism./
Yes, because strength and intelligence are exclusively male, and it's not as if there have been strong women throughout history. *eyeroll*
/By god given nature and law, women are to be humble, quiet, meek, proper, submissive and not try to emit authority over their husbands or others./
"God-given law?" Or your law? And what about single mothers with sons? How the heck are they supposed to raise and discipline them if they're not supposed to "emit authority" over them?
/These types of jobs go against everything in a womans God given maternal instinct and nature and suppresses them unnaturally./
Yeah, and misogynistic scumbags like you telling women that they are supposed to be stupid, obedient doormats at all times doesn't suppress them at all. If anyone was doing this to you, you'd be crying oppression. Men and women are meant to be equal, you selfish toerag. Deal with it.
You don't know history at all, do you? Otherwise, you'd realize women have taken jobs and careers that seemed exclusive to men and have done them better.
Check out any history book, ancient or modern, and we'll talk.
She's not even in a combat oriented command (something about materials or something), because sexist morons like you have made it so women, no matter how high ranking, can't fight the same as men in the military do.
Welcome to the REAL world, moron.
God doesn't exist therefore his rules designed to keep women as property aren't relevant,
Wait wait wait wait....don't you PRAY to a woman (Mary)?
And you also realize that JESUS was submissive to her. So yeah, God bows down to a woman....you fail.
haha these comments are funny. Sorry guys, I have been married for over 10 years and my wife follows traditional roles because she knows its what the Church and the bible commend to do..
Ephesians 5:22 and 1 Timothy 2:12.
You westerners think your so snug with your feminist type women when you are the ones with the 50% divorce rate! lol the joke is on you with your dysfunctional broken families and your immodest women who seem to pop out their bastard illegitimate children left and right everywhere I seem to go.
I can't wait for views like this to die out. On that day, we can finally take a step forward away from the cesspit humanity has been trapped in. Besides, it's not the first time in human history that a woman has had such a high military rank - I bet the Dahomey Mino had something similar when they were around.
(And just because PetersKeys had the gall to pop by here, supposedly...)
Petey, your wife's still your wife chiefly by virtue of... well, the threats that she'll be burned for all eternity by the sadistic deity you claim will get us all eventually. Likely not for your manly virtues or any form of actual stimulation out of you, intellectual or otherwise. As mister Asimov so eloquently put it, the Bible itself is the strongest case for atheism. You, are a shining example of why any woman following Biblical "values" is a serious Stockholm syndrome case.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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