Various commenters #wingnut


What do you say to people who call it forced birth?

I try to explain to them that no one wants to force them to get pregnant and have a baby, we just don't want them to kill the baby they conceived because of their choice to have sex. But they can't seem to get past the idea that consent to sex is somehow not consent to pregnancy. It's like they have no concept of consequences and personal responsibility.

An elective abortion is a forced birth intended to harm and kill the baby. PL is only for forced births if the woman’s health is in danger so her health can be protected

It's no more a forced birth than it was a forced impregnation.

They let him in willingly and need to live with that choice.

It is deliberate and narcissistic sophistry of the worst kind. They do this because it rephrases the debate to move from discussing the right to life and the value of human life to that of oppressing others instead. Remember: if you believe human life has value and all have a right to life you therefore as a moral person have a duty to preserve life

If it were possible to cure diabetes by, say, burning down an orphanage, would it be "forced diabetes" not to repeal arson laws? No, clearly not. There's a difference between forcing something and not allowing the victimization of innocents as a way to avoid it.

If you go your entire life without having a single baby I don't care. If you try to kill a baby I care. That's the difference between being for "forced birth" and being against killing babies.

I am not anti-choice, you had a choice when you decided to have sex. And to the rape argument, I say we should have far more lax gun laws so women can defend themselves. Rape is illegal, you would genuinely have an argument in "what about rape" if it was somehow completely legal, but it isn't and you should exercise your right to defend yourself against it.

I don't talk with pro-aborts since it makes me suffer deppression and a hate of living in this evil civilization. Makes me think to go on a deserted island and never come back to civilization. When I used to debate they called me hypocrite and woman enslaver and spam me with it so I unsubscribed that atheist site I was debating in. (I'm myself atheist from the age of 8.)



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