Persimmon64 #transphobia

"Gender affirming care" = going along with a child who pretends to be the opposite sex, forcing everyone in that child's life to pretend they are the opposite sex, and giving the child drugs that disrupt their healthy development so that they can better deceive others into thinking they are the opposite sex later in life so that men can violate women's boundaries (and men's sexual boundaries) without question.

How is it possible for the "science" to support this? What benefit do these kids get from this that can offset the violation of human rights they are commiting against others and the damage they are inducing in their own bodies?

How can slightly "improving" the self-esteem of one individual justify bodily harm, deception, and destruction of women's rights? Especially when that individual is a child who is still growing and maturing has other mental health issues they need to take care of, or hasn't yet gotten a grasp of their sexuality and might just be struggling with that?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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