Again, every effect must have an adequate cause.Toy--toy makershoe--shoe makerwatch--watchmakerhouse--housemakeruniverse--universe makerman--man maker
Silly child. If god exists, I'm sure she would have shown up in one of the billion forums that discuss her existence.
I guess she either doesn't care or she doesn't exist.
So since every toy needs a toymaker, and there are toys, I should believe in Geppetto? Since every shoe needs a shoemaker, and there are shoes, I should believe that "Elves and the Shoemaker" was non-fiction? Since every watch needs a watchmaker, and there are watches, should I believe that Sylar exists? This is to show the ridiculousness of believing, even if the logic of "design therefore designer" wasn't flawed, that using this to believe in a specific designer is baseless.
Oh, but the design argument is flawed anyway because it simply says that since artificial things are artificial, natural things need to be a different kind of artificial. That is inanity, not logic.
So . . .
virtual particles -- virtual particle maker
small pox -- small pox maker
tapeworms -- tapeworm maker
Satan -- Satan maker
Zeus -- Zeus maker
dictator -- dictator-maker
evil -- evil maker
(Well, I'm pretty sure that some of those were invented by people and that some of them are the result of natural selection, but I'm not so certain about the first one.)
I like 'housemakeruniverse' best, from this list of new words, but 'universemakerman' is nice, too.
Plus, most of my toys were made by machines in a factory, ditto shoes, and my house was made by a construction team. The first two are just anachronisms, but who ever heard of a housemaker? A homemaker is a spouse who stays in the house and makes it a nice place to live, but housemaker is nada.
Okay so all those things had a need. There was a need for shoes, so then we got a shoemaker. There was a need for toys, we get toymaker. But pre-life, when was there a need for life? Supply and demand, dude.
anything built by humans had a builder who was human. that covers toys, shoes , watches and houses.
prove to me that the universe was built , then do man. You may not use extradimensional mice as an explanation but DON'T PANIC
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