Various commenters #transphobia


That's not a vagina. Not even close 🤦#troon #drgallagher #transwomenaremen

No woman should have to share a women-only space with this giant oaf of a mentally ill man just because he had some INSANE radical cosmetic surgery. Doctors can't create body parts. Inverting a man's dick to create a little tunnel that goes nowhere is NOT creating a vagina, a muscle that develops only in female mammals.

I believe in the future many tras will realize they made a horrible mistake and sue these doctors for their quack procedures. That inside out hole is not a vagina and that rolled up piece of skin from your arm is not a penis and never will be.

Like I keep saying, they ALL retain their dicks. It’s just that some are innies, but most keep their outies. Like 90% of them are fully intact, like Liar Thomas. I don’t care if this dude had the surgical synonym for “go fuck yourself”, he doesn’t belong in women only spaces. Ever. Unless it’s closing time and he cleans toilets for a living.

It's sick that it's happening. Encouraged by enablers, men like this will feel completely entitled to stomp on women's rights and spread out in the few single-sex spaces reserved for women and girls. No matter how many bits he chops off - he will never be a woman. He's NOT WELCOME in our spaces!

Imagine having to share a changing room with this enormous man with moobs? They want to gaslight us into accepting him as a woman who can share intimidate spaces with real women and girls. I don't care if he's a eunuch, he's still a man. And Genieve Gluck has exposed eunuch as being a new fetish identity in the troon community. These men can't be trusted!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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