Homosexuality is totally illogical and totally evil because God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. And the New Testament clearly states that homosexuals shall not inherit the Kingdom Of God. And thus logical and analytical thinking dictates that if homosexuals are not gaining entrance into Heaven then logically homosexual activity should be totally outlawed.
1) God created Adam and Eve nor Adam and
2) You don't live in a theocracy. The Bible has nothing to do with the laws made in the states.
3) Even if it's true that heaven exists and that homosexuals don't go there, it does not logically follow that homosexuality should be outlawed.
You can't legislate people into heaven, just look at Saudi Arabia.
On a side note, nothing makes you look like a homophobic, inbred, redneck dumbass like pulling out the "Adam and Steve" line...
Only the simplest minds equate something because it rhymes. That isn't original or funny. Stop doing that now.
Then if god hate teh gayz so much, how come the menu for judgement day is 144,000 male virgin jews?
Sounds queer as a three dollar bill to me.
Illogical and evil because God created Adam and Eve?, what about the speaking snake?, what about the fact that they were technically commiting incest?. And by the way, the NT are only Paul´s letters?. Well, let´s redefine NT. And what´s the problem?, if they´re not going to inherit Heaven anyway, what´s the point in making it "ilegal" here in earth?. Or are they not going to Hell just because we didn´t make a "wellcome reception" in earth as rehearse?. How do you reconcile it with the first amendment that enables you to sprout that crap?
Steve was Cain's father-in-law.
Seriously, though, people who say, "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" don't even understand their own mythology. Adam and Steve didn't get us kicked out of the garden and didn't give us all original sin.
Your logical analysis is found wanting. If your God's going to judge everybody after death, what's the idea behind jumping the gun, usurping his final decision and attempting to judge people yourself before they get to him? Doesn't that count as playing god?
Rule of Theocracy :
Paul said that homosexuals would not inherit the kingdom of God, therefore homosexuality should be made illegal.
Fundies agree
Paul also said that fornicators or adulterers would also not inherit the kingdom of God, therefore all extramarital sex should also be made illegal.
Would the fundies agree? probably, some of them.
Jesus said that it would be harder for a camel to walk through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God, so therefore wealth is something also that should be made strictly illegal,I mean especially considering it was Jesus who said it.
Fundies do you agree?
Are you still there? Where are you? Come back!
Marrying people named Mary is totally illogical and totally evil because God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Mary! And the Bible clearly states that people named Mary(females) shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. And thus logical and analytical thinking dictates that if females are not gaining entrance into Heaven then logically heterosexual activity with people named Mary should be totally oulawed.
Damn, just when "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" seemed to have faded from public discourse, it rears its ugly head again.
Logical because a book says so. Well, I could present you another book, the epoppey of Gilgamesh, to show you how hot is to have a male lover too. By the way, he created Eve from Adam, kind of daughter and father relationship, should all people who don´t commit incest be outlawed?. Following your logic, by the way, if we´re not allowed to go to a private party, should we be outlawed?, what´s wrong?, are you afraid that if they´re not imprisoned first in earth they may go to Heaven?.
... every time I read that Adam and Steve line I get this mental image of the Baldwins, Adam and Steve. NO idea why, don't like 'em much as actors, don't know and am not interested in their orientation, don't even know if they're related, just see them together in my mind's eye.
Very irritating. And not the prettiest of images, either, in my opinion.
"Homosexuality is totally illogical and totally evil because God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve."
Cue long sarcastic speech by Stewie Griffin on how original and funny this joke is.
Regurgitating Fundie Sunday School. Yawn.
Which makes me wonder, why do we never hear about Anna & Eve in these fundie slogans? Don't they think lesbians exist?
No where in the New Testament are gays even mentioned. They are mentioned in the Old Testament, and yes, Evil-Douchebag-God wanted them killed, but Jesus himself said something to the effect of, "That which came before is no more", or to put it plainly, "New rules, bitches!". So...either your going to follow your hippie leader's commands to FUCKING get over your homophobia, or you're going to pretend that whole half of the story book is bullshit and go back to your angry baby-killing terrorist skydaddy. Your call, dickhead.
"...God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve."
Wow, that's original.
"...logical and analytical thinking dictates that if homosexuals are not gaining entrance into Heaven then logically homosexual activity should be totally outlawed."
Logical and analytical thinking suggest that there is no heaven.
First; prove that God exists.
Then prove that he only created Adam and Eve, never any more people than them. No-one by the name of Steve was ever created by God. And no other man besides Adam was ever created by God.
Who wants the Kingdom of God anyway?
Logical and analytical thinking dictates that the Bible should not be adhered to, as it's full of contradictions and needless repetitions.
Logical and analytical thinking also dictates that as two men or two women loving each other harms no-one, it should be none of your business.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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