[On a claim that everybody wants to rape]
If they're religious, then yes. Otherwise no.
You are either a very, very dedicated troll or one of the most unbelievably stupid and narrow minded fundamentalists alive, please stop posting you are a complete embarrassment to atheists and freethinkers everywhere.
What about the many, many, MANY neochauvinists who are atheists? Hell, not that long ago, we had a few articles on the atheistic architect of the Manosphere!
@The Angry Dybbuk
The difference is that a political movement has concrete legal goals and not wishy-washy spiritual bullshit. MRAs consider hatred of women to be sacred and Trump to be divine, ergo they're a religion. Something like the Freedom From Religion Foundation - to use a secular example - isn't a religion, because they have a legal focus and don't consider their mission to be divine. It's a thin difference but a difference nonetheless.
And how does that make me "the most religious person on this site", may I ask? I don't worship Trump as Jesus, nor do I think vaginas are God (although vaginas are very nice and feel good, but I digress).
That's just as bullshit as fundies claiming atheists worship science, Darwin, and Richard Dawkins, and you know it.
The fact is that you make blanket statements about people who have religious beliefs based on the actions and ideology of a single group within that religion, often endorsing violence against them.
That's akin to saying all lesbians are violent, man-hating, anti-trans feminazis just because of the existence of TERFs, or all atheists are basement-dwelling neckbeards just because some actually are.
Christians and Muslims can be sexist, racist, homophobic, and violent, but there are plenty of quotes on this site from atheists who have also been sexist, racist, homophobic, and even violent. In the end, religion is merely a tool to manipulate the masses and excuse horrible behaviors. If there was no religion, it would simply be replaced with something else due to human nature.
Your fundamentalist devotion to atheistic superiority as well as the demonization of all religious people (particularly the ones who have done nothing evil) is exactly what makes you the most religious person here.
At least, by the standards of "religion" which you, yourself, have defined, which is a far looser and broader interpretation of religion which is ever so convenient for your narrative... and yet one you fail to realize you fit.
Why isn't this very religious athlete raping someone, Nut-oMatrix...?!
Sir Mo Farah completely annihilates your 'argument'. Also, Marcus Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury.
My best friend who is a long-time Church of England Christian.
Broadcaster, author & humourist Rabbi Lionel Blue.
Stop me when I've sufficiently annihilated your argument.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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