1. I broke some law that no one, not even the IRS has been able to show me yet.
You mean Title 26 and the 16th Amendment? The judiciary says it counts, and in a common law system, what the judges say is the law, is.
9. To show me how corrupt our legal system is, so I’ll understand when You bring judgement on America
Oooh, big bad baby Jesus gonna kick our butts, huh? Might be a little difficult with nail wounds through his wrists...
33. To let me see the suffering inflicted on millions by our government, as nearly every other government in history has done.
So your solution is what, anarchy? Besides, religious governments (and those based on religion-like philosophies) have a remarkable record of doing exactly what you say. Democratic governments, religious or not, tend to work much better.
Kent, you're like a conservative spending his weekends bitching about unions -- you haven't a clue how good we have it. (Granted it could still be better, but that's the fault of those of like mind to you.)
38. To discover those who say they love Jesus yet kick me when I’m down. Judas apparently has cousins alive today.
Judas did not hate Jesus. He wanted Jesus to be something he wasn't and put him on the spot, only to kill himself when the plan backfired. Despite centuries of belief to the contrary, Judas was not a bad man. He was, however, quite nuts. Sort of like a fundy.
39. To show me the dangers of 501 (c) (3) and how most of Your children will compromise during the tribulation over these issues.
What dangers? The government gives much leeway to nonprofits. You shat all over it and landed your ass in prison. That was your fault, not anyone else's, not the government's.
41. To let me see the well organized tool room in Pensacola for ideas for our ministry."
I have no idea what this even means.
Yeah, she got jail time too. Less than he did, but still hard time. She tried to claim ignorance, but the jury didn't buy it.