felicia rembrandt #crackpot #transphobia genderdissent.com

Trans Vision: Through a glass dark and distorted
(continued from https://fstdt.com/MZM5KXNP_7889 )
Who will judge the humanity of any given mindclone? Rothblatt favours an idea first suggested by Alan Turing, “that software was humanly conscious if it successfully passed itself off to humans as being humanly conscious” (18). He proposes a consensus of three or more experts in the field, such as psychologists or ethicists: “…if others, especially experts in the mental health, see so much of themselves in a mind clone as to say ‘that one is human,’ then that one is human”(43).

This ignores the fact that neither psychologists nor any other mental health professional’s remit is to judge the totality of consciousness. There are no experts in the field.

I am reminded again of transgender ideology, and its early and frequent insistence that men in makeup and dresses could “pass” as women. Women protested loudly and just as frequently that we could tell a man from a woman. Were our protestations as “experts” – surely women are experts on women -- enough to stop the craze? Not at all – TRA’s simply decided that passing was not necessary after all.

This is a highly likely scenario in the case of transhumanism as well. The men with the money pushing both these ideologies on common people from above will see to it that a jury will be created who will accept mindclones as human. And if that should prove impossible, they’ll change the goalposts. Perhaps, as men with “special identities” now claim to be better women than women, mindclones will claim to be better humans than humans.

Rothblatt is already pre-empting the discrimination he forecasts against mindclones by arguing they must be given human rights, because “if we don’t treat cyberconscious mindclones like the living counterparts they will be, they will become very, very angry” (6). This too should remind us of trans ideologues, who claim to be the most oppressed group on the planet, while receiving support from almost all media, governments, academic institutions, major corporations, and financial institutions.




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