David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
Psalms 97:10 commands us as Christians to hate evil as God hates evil. Women dressing like prostitutes in miniskirts and negligees is definitely evil. It's not a matter of opinion. Exposed cleavages, exposed thighs, tight clothing... only a fool or liar would dare even try to defend such immoral, lewd and whorish attire. 1st Timothy 2:9 commands women to adorn themselves in “MODEST” apparel. You whorish women need to put your clothes back on! Jesus taught in Matthew 5:28 that the thought of lust is adultery. Hence, you ladies who deliberately dress sensually are causing men to commit adultery, which makes you EQUALLY guilty with every man who has sex or rapes you in his mind. Women who dress like whores are asking for trouble.
A slutty clothed woman in India was gang raped. She gathered an angry mob of women who said that they should be able to walk around naked if they want, without fear of being attacked or ogled by men. In reality, it just doesn't work like that. Slutty women are treated slutty, that's just the way the sinful world works. If you want to be treated like a lady, then you need to behave like one, which is EXACTLY what the word “MODEST” means in 1st Timothy 2:9, that is, “of good behavior.” In other words, the way you dress conveys a message to all men of the type of character and behavior you possess. If you dress loose, then many men will consider you a loose woman. If you dress chaste, virtuous and modest, then they will respect you FOR RESPECTING THEM. Women who dress like sluts are showing loud and clear that they have NO RESPECT for the opposite sex. When men feel that they are being disrespected in places like India, you just may get gang raped and suffer what you asked you. Notice that I didn't say “what you deserved.” No woman deserves to be raped, but you may get what you're asking for if you're not respectful of men. This is a crazy world.
Please understand that I don't condemn others. I am a big sinner like anyone else. I love God and the Bible. I see so many people these days that talk about how they love God, while making sensual videos portraying sex scenes, destroying marriages and men's souls. 1st Peter 2:11, “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.” Did you read that? The Word of God warns that fleshly lusts “WAR AGAINST THE SOUL”!!! Yet, Carrie Underwood, Kellie Pickler, Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry and all the other sleazy reprobates are serving the Devil by promoting the lusts of the flesh and; thus, making it a lot harder for men to live right. Our prisons are filling up with men who are losing the battle which 1st Peter 2:11 speaks about. If temptation causes sin, and it does, then women who deliberately causes temptation to pursue a money-making career in entertainment are blaspheming God.