RREEEEEEEEE #racist incels.is


I swear to fucking God i'm seeing more and more of them.
I went out shopping today and I was looking at what copes I should get when out of nowhere came this fucking curry asshole who was visibly more curry than me and he ruined my entire day. How is it even possible for someone to be this fucking curry? He was ARYAN. Whenever I see a curryfag I look at his flip flops because I like to cope thinking the only reason they mog me is because of the flip flops they're wearing. Well, it turned out he was wearing Nizam Sikandar Jah's shoes worth $160,000, while I was walking barefoot and he mogged me this much. He wasn't stinky either. Another way I cope when I see a curryfag is that I like to think i'll have a much easier time putting on muscle while they'll struggle because of their height. Well, this curry was well built too.
My fucking day is over now. I was going to do something productive but instead I think i'll just LDAR.:feelsrope:
I live in the slums of Mumbai btw. I can't imagine what it would be like living in Chandigarh. I would have definitely killed myself by now if I had to endure all that currymogging.



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