F is for Feminist, Annie J., Alan rose #transphobia pittparents.com
(F is for Feminist)
Why should your daughter, in order to be a girl, have to present herself in the restrictive, out-dated, stereotyped trappings of a girl? That is part of the problem. [...] The trans-mob is one of the most repressive, hetero-normative, stereotyping, misogynist, anti-feminist, anti-lesbian/gay movements to ever exist and be so far reaching. Yes, fight back for your children but not by being trapped by gender stereotyping.
(Annie J.)
I agree with you, and this is what I tell my daughter. She first came out to me as bisexual, and I accepted her as so. I love her no matter what. Then she told me she was "pansexual", then it changed eventually to trans. I supported her in those earlier years by telling her to be herself - dress how she wants, cut her hair how she wants - that's no big deal. She always had a style all her own, and that's part of what makes her special. However, this whole trans thing is insanity. You are so right about the trans-mob's anti-female (anti anything but 100% trans affirming) stance. It's awful, hateful, and unrealistic. I am sickened by what it is doing to our children and cannot understand how it started, nor how to stop it. I grew up a tomboy, had boy friends, did boy things (bb guns, tree climbing, baseball, football) - it drove my mom nuts but she let me be me. I grew up a well adjusted woman. It sickens me to know if I were a kid today, that I'd be groomed and put in the trans category.
(F is for Feminist)
Yes Annie J. I too was called a tomboy. I gravitated toward “boy” things. I feel so lucky that I was able to grow into the woman I am. Today, I would have been told I was “really a boy” and could have spent my youth with a mutilated body and a lifetime on hormones.
(Alan rose)
Genesis 1:27 And God created humankind in the divine image,
creating it in the image of God—
creating them male and female.