
Anon #transphobia #psycho pittparents.com

[Posted by the parent of a living trans child]

Of late, I have been wanting to ‘bury’ my son. I’m not quite sure what I mean by this. Perhaps it will be that I put all his things in a box…& make it a place I go to when I think of him. He’s not coming back, so I might as well remember him as he was. He’s was a wonderful person, I have no clue who he is anymore

George Q Tyrebyter #homophobia #transphobia pittparents.com

My tolerance toward GLB is dropping by the day. GLB has pushed TQ into the forefront. Now they will reap the whirlwind, and I don't give a shit. My daughter is gay, my nephew is gay, an old friend's daughter is gay - I don't believe ANY of them are really gay, but rather have arrested development. I don't say that to anyone's face, however.

Un-silent #biphobia pittparents.com

My daughter also went to 8 years of Catholic school then entered charter high school. She had some difficulty with a boyfriend who went trans so I transferred her to another school. She was doing well till she started getting into anime and furry groups post graduation and then attended a city college. After that she started becoming more distant and finally told me she was bi-sexual, when I refused to go along she cut communications with me. That was 2 and a half years ago. It seems like a bad dream, we used to be so close.

Lisa Shultz #transphobia pittparents.com

Many people have thrown their hands in the air in exasperation at keeping up with all the letters in the ever-growing LGBTQ+ alphabet. Perhaps the images of “drag queen reading hour” for kindergarten kids didn’t sit right with you. Maybe seeing boys and men on podiums receiving winning medals in girls’ and women’s sporting events seemed off. Perhaps it felt awkward to interact with the coffee shop’s male barista with lipstick, eye shadow, and breasts, and you sensed his smirk was possibly from deriving pleasure at your discomfort.


I miss the time when …

· it was possible to hear my daughter’s natural voice and laugh
· I could call my daughter by her name
· people didn’t demand that I lie about the reality of my daughter’s birth sex as female and try to force me to collude with the falsehood that she is a male
· gaslighting of my experience of giving birth to and raising two females wasn’t normalized
· people didn’t stop talking to me because I didn’t believe my daughter was a male
· friends and relatives didn’t walk away from me when I needed them most
· my daughter’s birth certificate was a truthful document
· my role as a mother wasn’t undermined, and my knowledge and wisdom were respected
· I was valued for the quality of my character and my solid history of responsible parenting

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

Our oldest has fallen so far away from the family that he causes much stress. Stress over whether or not to invite him to gatherings, whether or not he will come, whether or not we will offend him (spoiler, we will), whether or not I will have to ask him to leave, whether or not I will be able to function to attend other gatherings after seeing him. All of this stress makes the holidays a time I want to escape.

So, we did. The four of us went on the vacation that we had planned for the five of us. We were incomplete.

We enjoyed the ocean and all its power but missed the excitement that he has for marine life. We encountered vibrant birds and unique mammals but missed his knowledge of animals to explain the details of each creature. We toured ancient ruins and learned about civilizations past, but I found myself longing for his inquisitiveness. The meals together, laughter, and new inside jokes are all memories to cherish. But something is missing from it all.

He was supposed to be with us. He was supposed to be a part of the memories. He was supposed to bond with us. It was supposed to be our one big vacation before they all start going their own ways in life.

But he has already gone his own way. In fact, "he" doesn't even exist right now. "He" believes he is a "she." How can I both miss him and need to escape him? I guess it is him I miss and "her" I need to escape.

distressed parent #transphobia pittparents.com

However in reference to your yard sign including" Stop the sterilization of gay kids": I would revise this to "Stop the sterilization of vulnerable young people" I believe my son is actually straight, as he had crushes on girls in high school. However, at 22, after sterilization by Planned Parenthood when he was newly 19, he says he is now "asexual." He would no doubt prefer a relationship with a lesbian female to validate his fantasy of being a "woman" (which would actually be a straight couple.) But with his disturbing appearance as an over six feet tall man in stereotyped "female" clothes, his likelihood of a normal female attracted to him are close to zero. Instead he is dating another confused man also ingesting sterilizing hormones and pretending to be a woman. So now my son claims to be a "lesbian." It's all beyond bizarre and cruel what's been inflicted on him (and myself and my family) by our sick society. Indeed, if I posted your sign on my yard, I would fear for my house and myself.

Elizabeth #transphobia pittparents.com

I felt such gratitude and relief when President Trump issued this executive order. It came too late to help my own son or my family. Multiple doctors, teachers, psychiatrists, and even a few psychiatric institutions all failed to help my son. Those so called professionals were so captured by the gender lie, or too cowardly to fight against it, that they let the gender lie consume an autistic teen. It is despicable. It is my hope that this EO will save other children, and will stop the bullying of parents who know that their child cannot change sex.

Now congress must act to put the nail in the coffin of gender ideology and all its harms. If they don’t act, Trumps actions could be undone by a future president.

It is my hope that so many people will now feel free to speak against the lie of “gender affirming care” , that the floodgates will have burst, and there will be no going back.

Suffering Mother #transphobia pittparents.com

On my flight to Virginia a person appeared in front of me that looked so much like my son. I almost got up and talk to them. It was a tall woman dressed in a mini skirt, long legs with tie up boots on And mid length hair and they stood right in front of me about 12 feet away looking at the board for the airline flight and I kept looking and looking and thinking its my son is ? I couldn’t bring myself to get up. I was frozen Then they ran away to the back and looked my way and then went way over the other side and sat. I kept looking because I had a weird feeling that it was my son and I did not recognize him dressed as a woman. This has been tearing me apart ever since this happened. I asked my daughter to ask him if it was him she said he said it wasn’t but I don’t believe him because he’s been a liar all his life. He wrote me after that and said that he hadn’t left Oakland since two or three years and if it was him, he wouldn’t have run away from me well, I don’t believe him. I think it was him. And I didn’t recognize my own son! I noticed the chin I noticed the way he looked the way he acted, but I was frozen. I couldn’t do anything and I don’t know why. My whole point is this is hurt me much more than I want it to.

Distressed Parent #transphobia pittparents.com

If only I could have read this essay before my son was pushed off the sanity cliff by nefarious Planned Parenthood. That said, my husband and I tried with substantial effort to help our son escape from the poisonous gender cult tentacles when they first infected him as a teen. Likely curtailing more of his social media access may have helped. He was an excellent student often on his laptop working to achieve all A's, and we didn't suffienctly realize how utterly corrupting social media was/ is. I may always beat myself up about this regret. But in high school, my son went into remission from his "trans" obsession with the help his father and I did offer, and we thought we were out of these dark, treacherous woods. Unfortunately (a massive understatement as words to convey this horror are invaribly inadequate,) while he was sealed in his dorm room during his first semester at college in 2020 when the fear of COVID was peaking, the "trans" virus resurfaced to claim his mind, health and his potential, and simultaneously torpedoed the hearts of his parents, inflict loss on his clear-thinking sister, and destroy our once close family. As time in this psychological hell went on and on, I recognized the need to let go of short term hope as necessary to emerge from profound despair. But I need to allow long term hope that my son will somehow wake up. In reference to the title of today's lucid PITT essay, I also allow yearning for a "trans"-educated society to emerge and pummel the idiocy, indifference, virtue signaling, greed, and the cruelty of this evil cult back into the depths of hell where it burns to oblivion.

Average Dad #transphobia #racist #wingnut #fundie pittparents.com

That is correct, we must push back and stand for truth, if not western civilization is domed, history proves that 3 generations of this trans debauchery will be our undoing. We can't survive like this. Unfettered illegal immigration combined with unfettered sexual trans debauchery imposed on children will be our demise. Sexual freedom needs to reigned in some and our immigration laws should have always been enforced. But here we are. Those in power approve of the current state because they will be the ones left in power telling everyone what to do. They are the arsonists and the firefighters, they want to return to paganism and serfdom.

distressed parent #transphobia pittparents.com

Since my now 22 year old son plunged into the "trans" abyss at 19, I have been able to maintain sporadic contact despite the horrid sting of seeing him deterioate mentally and physically. However, I cannot will myself to call him by his stupid name or pronoun nor affirm his charade. To do so would betray the foundation of love for my son, which I cannot bear. Since my son is aware of my refusal to indulge his narcissistic delusion, I wonder if he may decide to refuse sparse in-person visits, or perhaps even ignore occasional benign texts and emails. I also try to pre-grieve estrangement, but this task seems impossible. How does one pre-grieve a precious child?? Unless he detransitions, this primal loss will ache for the rest of my life. There is no escape from being cheated from my son thriving and our sick society stealing his potential and health while shunning the validity of my pain and outrage. So I hope my confused brainwashed son will stay in touch with me, even in a minimal way. But if he doesn't someday, which could be this week (who knows?), I will have to trudge on, and I will, though with an even heavier heart than I am enduring now.

Marianne #transphobia pittparents.com

They only “think” and “feel” like women. But they obviously don’t know how women think and feel, so they are acting the way they think women think and feel.
They think we worry about being “misgendered” as much as they do. Although we don’t worry about it at all, they never really “pass” because there is always something that is a dead giveaway, usually the voice, but also man hands, huge feet, wide shoulders, narrow hips, skinny legs, course facial skin, Adam’s apple, male pattern baldness, and being someone you immediately feel your born in female compassion kicking in because they are so pathetic and really just so darn ugly.

I think of poor Jazz Jennings talking about his “seven inch deep vagina” and saying he “wants big boobies”. As much as they whimper about being afraid in the ladies room, they know they can overpower a woman if they want to. Yes, they are fools, but they can’t fool us all the time. I will be so glad to see them go away.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

This Christmas Eve your trans-identified child will be visited by the ghost of Jacob Marley, who wanders the Earth burdened with the heavy chains of health problems, childlessness, and missing body parts, all experienced during a lifetime of vulnerability and selfishness.


The third spirit, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, shows your child a Christmas Day in the future. The silent ghost reveals scenes involving the death of a disliked individual whose funeral is attended by a local trans group only on the condition that lunch is provided. The local trans group steals your child’s possessions to sell them themselves. They show that the group cares nothing for your child and is busy going on to indoctrinate the next victim.

Average Dad #transphobia #conspiracy pittparents.com

There is not a place in time except today that parents have to worry, reinforce, protect, or fret over what sex their children are at birth and that sex is not mutable. Our government, leaders, teachers, doctors, professors, clergy, everyone except a brave few have failed civilization spectacularly. The diabolical want this step to normalize pedophilia this is as clear as day. God help us all!

Runemasque #transphobia pittparents.com

In the days after my son announced he was a woman, he was ecstatic, thinking everyone was on board (I was listening and asking questions and ordering my mind). He was giddy explaining how excited he was to get thigh high boots finally and how they'd look. Now, how would he be tapped into that? I realized that the porn that I had some awareness of was facilitating a fantasy. I could not ethically nor honestly participate in what, to me, had become a fantastical ritual given very very grand and heavy meaning. I am not going to go to the trans church and say I believe in the god when I don't, and when I can see that, for my grown son, it has been attributed with the meaning of everything. Add sex to the meaning-making, and it is a very potent attachment. I don't see how I can participate in that.

Girl Mom #transphobia pittparents.com

When we simply asked our daughter, "When did you first start feeling like a boy?", she became visibly enraged and lashed back, "I can't answer that!". She proceeded to yell at us for not using her fake pronouns or name. She seemed on the verge of tears, but couldn't cry because the testosterone had already started messing her up. For nearly four years now, despite other efforts for a civil conversation, our questions have remained unanswered and she has estranged herself, at nearly 22. There is no reasoning with these mental patients, which is essentially what they are, but we also need to be careful to not anger them so they don't do some very stupid & dangerous, like shoot up a school, which has happened. I really fear for what my daughter, who's turned to the dark side, hopped up on T, might do someday.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia #fundie pittparents.com

Of course, the cult masters swarm around their internet spaces and hail Trans-giving and Trans Santa as days of “love” and “empowerment” while they reinforce the irrational fears and artificial identities of these poor, oppressed souls. They sponsor dinners for deeply delusional human beings and urge them to “keep up the fight,” get tested for STDs, donate to LGBTQA++ charities and be vigilant while outdoors because everyone hates them and wants to kill them. They print and distribute sample letters to Trans Santa where boys ask for frilly dresses and girls ask for toy jackhammers that their transphobe parents will not gift them. They blasphemed Easter with that insane Day of Visibility (The fact checkers say, “oh but it does not always FALL on Easter.”). They have taken the Thanks out of Thanksgiving, the Christ out of Christmas and the trust and warm-heartedness out of family traditions. Holidays are all about their live human trans lab experimental subjects. They boast about their “cultural achievements.” The raw materials of outrage.

I am an absolute wreck inside. I will never get over that my son went from being a straight teenage heartthrob to full opposite sex pretender at age 30. After 13 years of self-imposed online hazing and activism, he finally undertook the full three-stage mutilation process, told us to bugger off, then pledged his full membership in the worst fraternity in hell.

Anon #transphobia pittparents.com

[Reply to the parent of a trans child]

Sometimes I just want to change the whole ‘unconditional love’ thing to ‘actually I really only love you on the condition that you show a little respect’. There’s more to you than your identity & if it’s going to hurt you so much that you are referred to as your true born self then you really don’t stand to survive very well in this world. There are far more perilous things that may come your way in life. It almost makes me want to say bring back bullying on the playground so they can learn to get over it & build resilience.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

As a liberal democrat, I am alarmed at what has happened to my beloved democratic party. Gender ideology - the trans cancer - has disguised itself as a social justice/civil rights issue and infected the democratic party. This cancer has consumed women’s rights, parents’ rights, LGB rights (yes, you read that correctly), children’s safety and many of the principles and values that democrats hold sacred. Consider:

The democratic party has abandoned science in favor of ideology.
The democratic party now demands that a specific religion be taught in public schools.
The democratic party now supports child abduction when a child has religious differences with his or her parents.
The democratic party now endorses a new type of conversion therapy on the LGB community.
The democratic party is unconcerned about the mass mutilation and sterilization of children.
The democratic party has set women’s rights back 50 years.
The democratic party now embraces misogyny.


How can the democratic party rid itself of the trans cancer? Renounce gender ideology. Work with republicans to ban gender affirming treatments for all children under 18 and ban the teaching of gender ideology in schools through middle school. Gender ideology can be taught in high school during the section on cults.

Cindy Horne Cowan #transphobia pittparents.com

I sent my son some information from a PITT article hoping to start a dialogue and he responded by telling me it was hate information and if I felt that way that I should never contact him again. Wow. I don’t even recognize who I’m talking to. He has been taking estrogen for about 60 days and is 36 and married for 12 years. No kids thank goodness. I’m shocked. And told him I was surprised at his reaction. That I just wanted to hear how he is feeling. He said if I can’t support him 100% then he doesn’t want to talk and said he was going to block me. Whoa! He lives nearby I almost went to his house. But I’m going to wait and let him stew on this. I also think that I need to stop reading all the “proof” of this trans cult stuff and just focus on myself. Oh. He told me I’m a narcissist because I won’t agree with him on his transitioning. Makes no sense to me.

distressed parent #transphobia pittparents.com

I used to spend time crafting a New Years email with family photos that included my son and daughter along with my husband and myself smiling and proud of our beautiful family. Since my now 22 year old SON succumbed to this heinous body/mind destroying cult at 19, I have lost momentum to write and choose photos for a New Years greeting. The trans cult poisons holidays, as holidays are anything but celebratory, but instead a painful reminder that my life is farther and farther away from my son being healthy and intact hearts of my husband and myself. My daughter's holidays are also a painful reminder of her close family torpedoed along with her close relationship with her brother. There is no holiday outside my horror and daily effort to salvage scraps of well-being. I am disgusted by two holiday letters I receive with photos of parents smiling with a pretend "son" and another couple smiling with their disfigured "nonbinary" daughter, flat chested after her double mastectomy at 19. I am also sad when I receive holiday cards from others unscathed and oblivious to the horror I endure every day.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

[From a satirical article presenting transition as a deal with "Dr. Lucifer"]

I want more. I want…your parents. Well, I don’t really want THEM, but as part of our deal, you must cut your parents out of your life. Completely. I call it “going no contact”. This isolation from your family is an important requirement of our contract. Remember that time you lost a balloon at your 8-year-old birthday party, and your dad found it and you cried, “Daddy fixed it”? Forget that memory, and any others like it. Yeah, it’s true your mom and dad love you to a depth you can’t begin to comprehend. Your parents never give up on you. They are there for you. They want the best for you. But dumping your parents will not be as hard as you think because once you become trans, you will actually want to cut them out of your life. It will be entirely your idea. And you can cut out the rest of your family too!

And if you’re under 18, some countries and US states will actually help you ditch your family. I have helpful servants everywhere! They take the form of clueless teachers and counselors, child protective services, and others. If one of my servants hasn’t given you instructions about this, let’s review. Start by keeping secrets, and then move onto lying. Go to an LGBTQXYZ meeting and don’t tell your parents. Pick a new name and try it out with your friends, in secret of course. Then, if you go to school, insist that everyone at school use your new name and gender, and keep it all secret from your parents. My servants working as teachers and counselors can help you with that. Tell your parents everything is great! If you can, don’t even tell them about seeing me! When you make your big trans announcement, you can then tell your parents how they have ruined your life and proceed to ditch them. Now since I’m the devil, I will make deals. If your parents or other members of your family are “all in” with your new identity and support gender ideology, you can consider keeping them around. (Note to Reader - Gender ideology has been my best gig in many years for acquiring souls, sterilizing and injuring children, destroying families, and just spreading pain and misery everywhere - all with societal approval - so I consider parental support of gender ideology an investment in my future returns.)

Patty Hogan #transphobia #wingnut #fundie #enbyphobia pittparents.com

Very similar situation with our daughter! The devil was cheering during the pandemic when vulnerable people were isolated with the wrong people. God was kicked out and loving families were pushed away. We foolishly thought our daughter was more grounded in her faith and would be a beacon for others. Instead she was sucked into a Marxist ideology and before we knew it proclaimed herself “neither a woman nor a man”. We were chastised for removing our masks, not getting our booster shots, and using the wrong pronouns. I was blatantly told, “I’m trying to unlearn everything I’ve been taught.” She’s now isolated herself in a “queer collective community” in Brooklyn and refused to give us her address, stating she was “afraid” because we (her parents) are “transphobes” and “homophobes”. We have always supported her in all of her many endeavors while growing up and never displayed bigotry of any kind so I’m calling it as I see it: she was brainwashed.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

When my son was 28 years old, he came out as transgender. He read from a script no doubt provided to him by those who had been validating him for six years. He was already on hormones and disclosed his plans for all the surgeries available to MtFs.


I don’t have PTSD. There is no “post-trauma” here. It is an ongoing, relentless barrage of trauma which only gets relieved at night when I can sleep. And sometimes, not even then.

But I awaken every morning, to face another day of trauma. Another day of knowing my son is another day closer to the barbarism of surgery which will forever change his already-drug-addicted, altered body. Another day closer to a lifetime of maintenance, possible risks, side-effects, and (more than likely) no happier than before going under the surgeon’s knife. And the added terror of what can happen afterward. After he realizes the processes have not brought him the anticipated peace of mind. The statistics are overwhelming.

I awaken every morning flooded by emotions of dread and sadness, knowing my son has plans that I believe he has not researched from “the other side.” Stubborn from Day 1, he holds onto his own ideas without the flexibility of addressing the “what-ifs” of his planned actions.

I awaken every morning, just wanting to close my eyes and find sleep again. But, as the night before, sleep does not come easily. I lie awake with every tumultuous thought in my head drowning out any semblance or hope of peacefulness.

I awaken every morning utterly consumed by my son’s life and the path he is on.

I spend my days seeking even more information, testimonials, research, and support than I had the day before... and the day before that one. I cry daily; tears threaten constantly.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

Some kids are born in the wrong bodies. Since gender identity is fixed by the age of three, kids can and do tell their parents their real gender, which is sometimes different than their natal sex. Good parents listen.


All of the above is what this fairly liberal, Jewish mom believed until only a few months ago. I bought into that narrative wholesale, like many other well-meaning people, thinking “what’s the harm?”... until it came into my home. One night this summer, my young teen son revealed he was “trans”. My husband and I sat down with him right away to learn more about this strange new creature that had just appeared to us. He gave the following evidence: he did not feel comfortable in his body and about a month prior had realized that this was because he was not a boy. He knew that he was trans because when he put girl clothes on his video game avatar, he felt “euphoria”. He had had crushes on girls, but he recently wasn’t so sure since he may have had a crush on a boy. He didn’t like his shoulders or his voice. He felt different.


Six months later, I was entirely disillusioned. And I had learned why we aren’t asking these questions. All those happy rainbow stories, those glitter families - they are cover-ups.

Donald ♥ Ivanka Award

for the creepiest parent

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

At 13 my daughter’s body had blossomed into something truly beautiful. She was perfectly proportioned, with lovely breasts and emerging curves that gave her body a classically balanced profile aligned to our western culture’s standard definition of an attractive female.


For reasons that are still not clear to me, at 19 she suddenly began the nightmare of disowning her own body. It started with binding, and then testosterone, and now at 23, her determination to get a double mastectomy. Looking back at those years before the nightmare began, I now realize I should have taken a path completely opposite than the one I did. I should have turned her into a fighter.

I should have given her the mission of protecting her sacred body. I would have told her that men, women, and even well-meaning people, even some so-called professionals and medical providers, might want to tamper with her body — some would want to touch it, and some would try to touch it without her permission. Some would ogle it, stare at it, some might try to penetrate it without her permission. Some would obsess about it, and others would try to convince her to alter its essential integrity with drugs, chemicals, hormones and removal of healthy body parts. I would have told her not to let anyone touch or tamper with her beautiful body without her permission.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

In 2014, my son started to ask for the popular block-building computer game known as "Minecraft." Later that year, my wife and I decided to get said game for him, and he loved it. He constantly showed us his latest creations and buildings.

Little did we know, this seemingly innocent game was a gateway drug to cross-sex hormones, wrong-gender pronouns, and a replaced name.

You see, while it may seem like a healthy outlet for creative expression, Minecraft is actually a very popular game among so-called "trans-identifying children." The reason for this is because the game allows for expression of dangerous ideas, and has little to no moderation, being primarily singleplayer.

One of the most problematic parts of this horrible game is the ability for players to upload their own "skins" – essentially, each player can create a character for themselves in simple photo editing apps such as photoshop. This means that the selection of characters is limited only by the players' imaginations. On the surface, this seems to be a positive of the game, but it turns out that it is not.

This unlimited customization dangerously blurs the boundaries of gender and sex, and, especially considering the predominantly young player base of Minecraft, can be very confusing in terms of gender. One of these confused young people is my son, now 21 years old, who, it turns out, had been using the default "girl" skin of Minecraft, often shown in marketing alongside a more fitting masculine character. While this is not concerning on its own, having done so since the age of 11 will surely have contributed to his gender confusion.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

Our children are being injured and mutilated and are being turned against us. Who is to blame? There are so many contenders: willing doctors, greedy surgeons, cheerleader psychologists, the internet, chat groups, video games, isolation due to COVID, delusional teachers and counselors, mentally disturbed philosophers and writers, drug companies, willing insurance companies, anime, porn, lawmakers, probably a few others. But if you take away the noise, and look at this phenomenon from 10,000 feet, who is doing the actual harm? The answer is clear: gender doctors.


Violence or threats of violence against gender doctors run into legal problems, so are not sustainable and not recommended. Maybe mass picketing of gender clinics? Picketing of AMA conventions, headquarters? I’ve seen this before, although the press never picks it up. Still, I can think of some great signs that I haven’t seen before: “Jail the gender doctors”, among others.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

# 1 rule: Don't answer the door for any strangers. Make it a rule in your house with your kids. Never leave your child home alone for any reason when dealing with gender identity issues.

Stay behind a closed door and ask, “Who is it?”

If they say it is CPS you can say "We don’t open the doors to strangers. How can I help you? Please put your business card on our doorstep and we will contact you later.”

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

There are so many elements about my child—my daughter—no, my son!—that cause me immense pain and suffering. Her—excuse me, his—artificially softened skin, the fat that rests on his hips like the curves of a woman's figure, his breasts—larger even than his mother’s!—that are now at risk for breast cancer—a condition he would probably never have had to consider, had those nefarious doctors never prescribed him those foul, harmful hormones.

How waiters and cashiers and other strangers mistakenly call him by the wrong pronouns, seeing only a woman in the body that should rightfully belong to my baby boy. How his so-called "boyfriend" only serves to encourage this delusion, as he encourages hers. It is all so terrible. So absolutely horrifying. So completely dreadful.


What hurts me the most is what I hear. It is not merely the sound of his voice, but the very essence of it when he says he loves me, when he insists that I am wrong, that if I would only "accept her," everything would be fine. It is his voice that causes me the greatest anguish, because it is not his true voice. It belongs to this strange woman who has overtaken his body, who has taken my son from me.

Hotgambler #transphobia pittparents.com

[Response to an essay by a transphobic mother expressing grief over her child transitioning]

Your son is autogynephilic. Heterosexual male, with a sexual obsession to be female. This is the only type of gender dysphoria that gets worse, more intense, with age.

Get him Helen Joyce’s book, “Trans,” as a primer.

Get him any of Walt Heyer’s self-published books on Amazon. Walt is an older Detrans guy.

You can watch his videos on YouTube.

You can only do so much with an AGP. Good luck.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia #fundie pittparents.com

It’s been a crazy year since my world changed on a rainy spring day in 2023, after I casually commented on the local news, saying, “Drag queens in school are wrong. It’s like they are trying to sexualize and desensitize our children. Is the Canadian government grooming children?”.

Then my usually non-reactionary, gentle, loving, autist, adult son couldn’t hold back and blurted out “It’s helping kids that might be LBGT know it’s okay to be themselves! And I should know, because… I Am Trans!” I was dumbfounded! I think I replied, “No you’re not!” But it’s kind of a blur.


He created a fairy tale in his mind that if only we could see how happy he has become with transition we would go along with the lie and affirm. Just like his sisters did two years ago, when he first came to this ridiculous conclusion about himself. [After being isolated in his room for over a year, when he should be away at college and experiencing his real sexual awakening!] His news totally sabotaged my summer and sent me spiraling.


This is when I also first discovered that he doesn’t believe in God, or any creator, and feels he can be his own god, and design himself, in his own imagination! And his sisters agree with this blasphemy! Sure, we didn’t go to church, but I always told them that we have (some kind of) a divine creator. At first, I felt like I failed as a mother. I had allowed my children to be captured by a cult!

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

This is not my child, this young woman who sits before me, with her beautiful voice, her secondhand women's denim jacket, her beautiful face. It can't be! But it is. It is not my daughter but my eldest SON, sitting there before me. I should find it grotesque, this young boy turned by cross-sex hormones and time into a beautiful young woman. Everything about the way he looks, the way he talks, sounding just like any other 20-year-old woman, the way people call him "her," the synthetic-estrogen-induced gynocomastia on his chest that looks just like healthy breasts, that so many women his age choose to cut off! I should scream, want to tear my eyes out at the terrible sight before me, but I cannot. I cannot help myself; I find him the most beautiful thing in the world. I hear strangers refer to him, my male son, as a woman. And I am happy. I am happy because he is happy, because I cannot help but be happy by his happiness. Some days he's happier than I have seen him in years. Other days he is miserable. I cannot function on those days. I worry that that is preventing me from giving him the help he deserves, but I try my best when he is happy. When he is happy, I cannot help but be happy for him, even though I know it is wrong, it is really hurting him. When I see his feminine appearance, in all respects like a tall woman, not at all like the obvious men in dresses I am used to seeing, I can't help but love him. I should find it grotesque, even more so because he is so convincing in his disguise. That is what it is, after all. But I cannot. I cannot help but love my child, even when that love gets in the way of loving him.

That is what it is doing. I love my son but I refuse to affirm his "gender," I encourage him to desist as soon as possible.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

In conclusion, online and offline gaming is almost definitely a major factor in the current transgender epidemic, especially games with a heavy "role-playing" element, or that allow kids to play as characters that do not match with their actual physical gender. The research is, however, not quite conclusive yet, and if we are to find cures for our captured children and ways to prevent others from falling to this cult, we must do more inquiry.

In the meantime, I highly recommend preventing any kids who have not yet been captured from playing such intoxicating games as Minecraft, Roblox, or any other such dangerous, ideologically captured media.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia #racist pittparents.com

I’m a straight white suburban woman in my fifties. And Pride month can fuck right off. You can call me Karen but my tattoos would disagree. You can call me a bigot too. You already have. And a Terf—that pathetic made-up term. I’m not radical. And only feminist as far as equal pay. The right to vote. To have a bank account and a credit card. You know, basic civil rights. The same things gay and lesbian people wanted—and received. But now… Pride is… Pride is corporations and children and paraphilias and corruption…

And in the basement of my once harmonious home, my seventeen year old daughter is decorating her jean jacket with patches and little paintings, so she can wear it to the parade in our city tomorrow. It has rainbows and that awful pedophilic trans flag. It showcases her pronouns: “HE/THEY” and basically screams: I am a straight white girl who bought the bullshit that straight white girls are evil devil oppressors and I refuse to be that in the name of KINDNESS, y’all. So allow me into your glittery sanctum, your elite hole of horrors, tunnel of anti-love. Call me a gay man PLEASE.

Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia pittparents.com

[Conclusion to a satirical retelling of Sleeping Beauty]

They all slept for a long time and when they woke up, they compared their experiences. They had all had the same nightmare! Men had become women and women had become men. Children had been taught lies and made to doubt the experiences of their own bodies. Delusion had taken the place of Reality and the world had been turned upside down.
The Princess sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes.
There was a delicious smell of baking and the distant sounds of singing and dancing, of children playing, of chickens clucking and animals calling. There was peace and laughter and, above all, relief.
She walked through the castle passing huge piles of discarded wigs and fake breasts and phalluses.
‘What are these?’ the Princess asked the Queen who was busy making scones.
‘Just a passing hobby,’ said the Queen wiping her floury hands on her apron. ‘It didn’t last long; it was just a fad led by a cult but it’s all over now. People are getting back to normal. Everyone’s making jam and cooking.’
‘Surely there’s no need to cook and bake?’ said the Princess.
‘There’s no need’, said the Queen, ‘but we’ve played with the new gadgets and the technology and we’ve got bored with it. We’ve tried every kind of sexual fetish and got bored with that too.
‘There are so many more interesting things to do in life!’
So, the Princess became an adult human female and lived happily ever after.

Suffering Mother #transphobia #conspiracy pittparents.com

I feel all the anguish that comes from this terrible cult for all parents including myself. Never in a million years did I think my family would be affected by this nor did I even know anything about it until it slapped me in the face! Recently, I asked that Chat AI to comprise a letter to my trans son and it refused!!! This how deep this still goes. I cursed the app then deleted it. I saw a picture of my son he looks different but somehow the same. It was a strange feeling but I saw the little boy that I raised deep in his face and it gave me some solace. I dread the holidays now which used to be such a wonderful time as I’m sure every parent does. Please God help us and most of all stop this incredible nonsense that is hurting so many people!