your personality #sexist

RE: [JFL] IT thinks were racist to black women ...little do they know most of us hate all women equally

This actually proves their own racism JFL. Notice how they call out the forum for racism against black women but don't say ANYTHING about the racism against indians which is way, way more prevalent. I've always maintained that Indians have it the worst when it comes to racism as no one takes it seriously. They are basically the only racial group who normies are openly racist against (bobs and vagene, etc).

Also if it were about Indian women they would say something. It's because it's about Indian men that they don't.
Same reason they don't go after femcels like they do after incels.

Legit. And yeah fem"cels" say far more offensive shit than anything that was written on braincels or any of its replacement subreddits. It's not even just losers on inceltears at this point, even the fucking reddit admins take part in the same fucking anti male discrimination. Ridiculous.

Being anti-male is the cornerstone of modern progressive thought. In almost every context, with a few very specific exceptions, females are given more leeway and allowed greater privileges then males. Its not surprising that reddit mods, who are very leftist and progressive, would embody those ideas so fervently.

As seen by how little SJWs actually care about ethnic males and that many of them still don't always take the side of transgender people over women, like all other mainstream political ideaologues they are primarily concerned about women even if they try to make it seem like they are fighting for the oppressed.



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