LiterallyASoyboy #sexist

RE: [RageFuel] Straight from the whore's mouth: applying for sex is like applying for a job

Tbh it goes both ways, I wouldn't really want to commit to someone who thinks less of me for being a virgin. That's another thing, once you reach a certain age, probably mid twenties at the latest, you'd have to create a lie (which would be found out eventually) to even have any chance at ascension. I already feel like I have to put on some theatrical performance with irl interactions, the last thing I want to do is construct some completely false image of myself just to be given a chance. At the end of the day I don't really care what people think anymore...or no that's not entirely true, what I mean is that I don't care about trying to meet bullshit 2020 standards, nor do I care about failing to meet them. Combine that with me finding all of this fake bullshit exhausting, well it's just one more reason why I have no realistic path toward ascension which I'd even be willing to take. None of this matters though, because I'm not even attractive enough for it to matter, just lol.

Obviously not all ITcucks think this way, but I find that their attitude towards 'the dating market' is somewhat schizophrenic: on one level they will flat out deny that such a thing as a 'dating market' exists - usually when an incel brings up the possibility of market intervention to ensure more equitable outcomes, and on the other hand they'll invoke job application analogies and various other 'labour market' comparisons. Very curious.

There is a sweet irony that most ITcucks who would identify as leftists, or at least social democrats on matters of income redistribution become the most brutal social darwinist neoliberals when it comes to the dating market: adapt or DIE!

Except you wouldn't need to wonder why, it's obvious that I'm a subhuman loser.

"You have no right to judge a woman's preferences in a man period!"

“There’s also the very valid preference of not wanting to have to train a man all the way to her level. You want a partner on equal terms (we all want equality in our relationships, right??), not having to waste precious time and effort on some novice guy who might not get it right away.

Yet they all rant on about how not all women are shallow whores then say shit like this about virginity being a "massive red flag" and you can't judge anyone for being shallow.... Yeah sure. Maybe it's just the fact that women are shallow and that's why you're so testy about them being called out about.

If that's how she sees it, then why even have a relationship with anyone? Just fuck a different TInder Chad every week/month. I genuinely can't even imagine the mindset where someone would feel worse about their boyfriend/husband for having less past partners than themselves. Then the bit about wasting time, as in already viewing the relationship as disposable. Maybe I'd simply have to be a woman to fully grasp it.

But what am I even saying? I already know that what I want isn't something that actually exists, all that women want is just hedonism. What a joke. I'm so divorced from other people that it's actually kinda comical.



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