David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
If you enroll your child into a public school, you will almost assuredly regret it one day when your children grow up to become heathens. A few hours of Sunday School cannot undo 40 hours per week of fascist-style demonic brainwashing at the Devil's public school. The biggest danger to your children are the other children, who come from Godless homes and whose parent's are as wicked as can be. I've seen good children come out of bad homes simply because the children finished high school in a Christian school and had a pastor and teachers who cared about them spiritually. I've also seen children go to the Devil in decent homes because they were enrolled into a government school. That's what public schools are, that is, government schools.
The government doesn't care about your children's spiritual welfare. In fact, the government has every intention of robbing your child of faith in God through the bogus teachings of evolution, sex education and humanism. Biology is taught on the basis of evolution, not upon the fact that a loving and powerful God created the universe. Every subject ought to be taught based upon God and the Bible, which a child will NEVER get in a hellish public school system. Your child is far better off in an imperfect Christian school than they are in a reputable public school. Most of the public schools I know have awful reputations. Nationwide public schools are sewers of illegitimacy, crime, apathy and wasted lives. Your child will go to the Devil if you are foolish enough to enroll them into a public school system.
Furthermore, a private school is very unlikely to turn any parents into CPS authorities, whereas a public school won't hesitate. In fact, there's an ongoing racket in America to steal children from their parents (download MP3) and CPS and the judges are all involved. Children are being kidnapped by pedophile judges and CPS departments nationwide.