Roy Moore #fundie #homophobia

An attorney who works for Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore has penned a letter to government officials throughout the state, urging them to take a stand for Christ in light last week’s Supreme Court ruling declaring that same-sex “marriage” must be legalized in all 50 states.

“Public officials are ministers of God assigned the duty of punishing the wicked and protecting the righteous,” Win Johnson wrote in a letter sent to Gov. Robert Bentley and other civil magistrates.

“If the public officials decide to officially approve of the acts of the wicked, they must logically not protect the righteous from the wicked. In fact, they must become protectors of the wicked,” he said. “You cannot serve two masters; you must pick—God or Satan.”

He then spoke specifically of the matter of homosexuality, stating that the government can never legalize what God has called unlawful.

“The U.S. Supreme Court, although it claims to have done so in 2003, cannot take something that God calls a crime (sodomy) and declare it not a crime,” Johnson said. “We’re facing something even worse now, the civil government taking a new step and actually requiring the approval and sanctifying by the state of an evil behavior.”

“Public official, what will you do?” he asked. “Will you stand up for the law of Alabama, for the people, for the weak and vulnerable, for the law of God? Or will you capitulate? Will you become complicit in the takeover by the wicked?”

Johnson then sought to dismantle common excuses for capitulation.

“‘I must follow the law,’ you say. Law? What law? There is no law anymore, there’s just opinion,” he wrote. “One day this, one day that. When the law becomes merely the opinion of a handful of people on the courts, there is no longer any law. There is tyranny. There is chaos. But there is no law.”

“Don’t use the Nazi war-crimes trial defense: ‘My superiors (or the courts) told me to do it.’ You’re not standing for the rule of law when you capitulate to a law that defies God and exposes people to the wicked,” Johnson continued. “You’re just a coward making excuses!”

He urged those in authority not to cower or run from their positions, but to stand for the sake of Christ and future generations.

“[W]ill your conscience cause you to resign?” Johnson asked. “Why would you leave the people of this State, their children, your children and grandchildren to the wolves, those who would rend the society apart with their denial of what’s good and evil?”

He concluded by urging officials to remember the Highest Judge to which they will have to give an eternal account.

“On Judgment Day, you won’t stand in front of the media, the advocates of ‘equality,’ or even the federal courts,” Johnson warned. “You’ll stand before the King of Kings, the Judge and Ruler over the Kings of the Earth, Jesus Christ. His law is not subject to the vote of man, and He, as the good and loving author of that law, does not exempt any nation from it.”



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